32 weeks pregnant: not just a river in Egypt
What’s happening at 32 weeks pregnant? Here’s my latest weekly pregnancy blog…
32 weeks pregnant:
32 weeks pregnant – nothing’s ready!
Am I in denial about the new baby’s imminent arrival? Very possibly…It’s not that I’m not excited – I really am, every time I see a newborn I’m overwhelmed with the loveliness of thoughts of what’s to come – it’s just that I’m more than happy to wait. And at the moment I’m still at a liminal stage where it seems like a long wait, so that’s fine.
But I’m 32 weeks pregnant already (33 weeks at the time of posting). That’s less than two months. The house isn’t finished, I don’t finish work for a while, nothing’s really ready. Should we be panicking?
Second pregnancies and baby denial…
When you already have children, things pretty much carry on as before when you’re pregnant, because they have to. There’s no long periods of introspection, lie-ins or naps on demand. I’m feeling fine and have kept going at normal high-speed, in the style of I am pregnant women, hear me roar. It doesn’t seem like anything will change as nothing has changed. It’s all the same at the moment, just with a big bump.
Pregnancy meltdowns at 32 weeks
But things have been pretty hectic recently with home, house, work and life. And on Wednesday evening, at 32 weeks pregnant, everything came to a head and all at once seemed so overwhelming I had a moment and sobbed during a George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces. Of all things. It was a culmination of:
- How will I cope with two children when just the one can be so all-consuming and demanding?
- I’ve still not downloaded any hypnobirthing MP3s yet
- Been up since 6.15am
- Have I even done any pelvic floor exercises this time?
- Does that even matter, the speed at which I gave birth last time…
- Oh right, I have to push another baby out of there again soon, apprehensive but know I shouldn’t be
- Am I even going to get five minutes to myself before the baby comes?
- What if they are early?
- Will we ever finish the house?
- Tired
So I was immediately packed off to bed in my sad state of self-pity city.
I did feel better in the morning, admittedly. And there is an end in sight, finally. Alex is off for a week to finish the painting, there’s about one day of finishing to be done on the kitchen – then no more building work – and we’re having carpets put down this weekend which I think will make a huge difference. And after that? I think we can be go go go on the baby prep. As we still have everything from last time, it’s not like we have to buy lots. And I’ve made lots of lists, which is surely the start of being organised, right? Just need to remember the pelvic floor.
I’ve compiled all my baby 2 blog posts into one page (although this needs updating! Another one for the list). You can also read more maternity updates at 31 weeks, 30 weeks pregnant, 29 weeks pregnant, 28 weeks, 27 weeks, 26 weeks, 25 weeks, 24 weeks, 22 weeks, 21 weeks, 20 weeks, 19 weeks, 18 weeks, week 17, week 16, week 15, week 14, and the first trimester. You can also follow me on Instagram
August 22, 2014 at 10:35 pm
I’m only round the corner if you want a break x
August 24, 2014 at 6:05 pm
aww bless you! I think it’s totally natural to feel this way and yes it will be hard at first but not as hard at last time I’m sure. Also I remember totally freaking out that I hadn’t done enough pelvic floors AND that I hadn’t even listened to my hypnobirthing CD until 37 weeks but it didn’t really matter in the end, I think just having it playing was calming. You’ve been there before, your body will know what to do. Also SO EXCITING! Not long now! xx
Jess @ Along Came Cherry
August 25, 2014 at 4:24 pm
It’s crazy how quickly second pregnancies go by, I find once it gets to single figures it speeds up even more. Very exciting though! x
August 26, 2014 at 12:08 am
I have total confidence in your ability to cope super well with two – but I can imagine these things go around your mind when your getting so close to the birth – can I also just say you look seriously amazing. I am 14 weeks and have already put on more than half a stone but you look incredible!!
Laura x
Pregnancy diary – 33 weeks pregnant | Pregnancy Health | TalkMum
August 28, 2014 at 12:19 pm
[…] but time seems to be flying by. There’s just over six weeks left to my due date now. I had a minor wobble last week so we’ve now started to get things ready (well, my mum is coming up to help and […]
33 weeks pregnant: measuring up |
September 1, 2014 at 6:51 am
[…] I’m feeling massive at the moment. And still slightly in denial. But after my mild panic of last week, we have at least made a start at getting things ready. My mum is coming down to wash all the baby […]
34 weeks pregnancy update: the lowdown |
September 8, 2014 at 6:54 am
[…] there will be any surprise early arrivals. This is reassuring, as I think I may have mentioned the denial (although my parents were up this week to help me get everything ready. Aren’t mums […]