Nicknames For Phoebe: 41+ Of The Best Phoebe Nicknames
Looking For Nicknames For Phoebe? Read This Post For The Best Phoebe Nicknames
If The Baby Name Phoebe Is At The Top Of Your List, Read This Post For The Best Phoebe Nicknames
If the baby name Phoebe is right up at the top of your baby name list, you might be looking for the best nicknames for Phoebe. Read this post for 41 of the best Phoebe nicknames, the Phoebe meaning and middle names for Phoebe.
While the name itself is a short and sweet two syllable name, you might want a nickname or pet name to give your baby. So here’s our list of 41 Phoebe nicknames, including sweet, cute and funny nicknames for Phoebe.
Wondering what does the name Phoebe mean? We also look at the Phoebe name meaning, what Phoebe can be short for, and how popular the name Phoebe is.
What Does The Name Phoebe Mean? The Phoebe Name Meaning
Looking for the Phoebe name meaning?
The name Phoebe is a Latin name of Greek origin, and the Phoebe meaning is bright or radiant.
It’s a name that was used in the bible, by Shakespeare, and of course, by Phoebe from Friends.
How Popular Is Phoebe As A Name?
How popular is the name Phoebe?
In the US, Phoebe is the 214th most popular name for girls in America.
In terms of how popular Phoebe is as a name, Phoebe is currently the 22nd most popular baby name for girls in the UK according to the ONS baby name list released in October 2022. The name Phoebe was given to 1678 babies in the UK in the last fully recorded year.
Famous People Named Phoebe
Looking for famous people named Phoebe? Try one of these famous Phoebes:
Phoebe Buffet, Friends character
Phoebe Waller-Bridge, actor and director
Phoebe Cates, actor
Phoebe Tonkin, actor
Looking For Middle Names For Phoebe?
Looking for middle names for Phoebe?
Read our list of 150 one syllable girl names. Phoebe is a snappy two syllable name, so a short middle name might suit it well. You could also try an old lady name or a rare girl’s name.
We have a list of 150 one syllable boy names too.
41+ Nick names For The Name Phoebe
Here are 41+ nicknames for the name Phoebe, to help you find your perfect Phoebe nickname.
- Pheebs
- Phoebs
- Pheebz
- Feeb
- Feebs
- Feebz
- Feeby
- Feebsy
- Febe
- Phebe
- P
- Pe
- Peeps
- Pi
- Fe
- Fee
- Fi
- FeFe
- FeeFee
- FiFi
- Feefs
- Fez
- Phe
- Be
- BeBe
- Bee
- BeeBee
- BiBi
- Bea
- BeaBea
Cute And Funny Nicknames For Phoebe:
Here are cute nicknames for Phoebe and funny nicknames for Phoebe:
- Little P
- Pea
- Bebo
- Bob
- Furby
- Flea
- Fleaby
- Fleabs
- Phobs
- Fobs
- Fobby
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Need More Lists Of Baby Names?
- If you’re looking for boy names, we have Unique boy names and unique girl names – plus nicknames for Alexander.
- We also have gender-neutral names.
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- You can also follow me on Instagram, I’m Gill_Crawshaw