Nicknames For Daniel: 41 Of The Best Daniel Nicknames

November 16, 2022

If You’re Deciding On Nicknames For Daniel, Read This List Of The Best Daniel Nicknames

If you love the name Daniel for your new baby, and looking for Daniel nickname inspiration, read this post for 41 nicknames for Daniel and Dan and the Daniel meaning.

nicknames for Daniel

Daniel is a classic and strong three syllable name, so if you love using shorter versions of names, there are lots of different Daniel nicknames you can use plus funny nicknames for Daniel and Dan.

How popular is the name Daniel? We take a look at where Daniel appears on the baby name lists, and also look at the Daniel meaning, as well as middle names for Daniel.

What Does The Name Daniel Mean? The Daniel Meaning

Are you looking for the Daniel name meaning?

The name Daniel is a boys given name biblical name of Hebrew origin.

The Daniel meaning is ‘God is my judge.’.

Looking For Biblical Names For Boys?

As Daniel is a biblical name, you might be looking for more biblical names for boys.

You could also pick Noah, James, Elijah, Joshua, Levi, Joseph, Peter, Ezekiel, Ezra, Isaac or Benjamin.

How Popular Is Daniel As A Baby Name?

nicknames for Daniel

How popular is the name Daniel? Is Daniel a rare name?

In the US, Daniel is the 14th most popular name for American boys.

Daniel is 56th most popular name for boys in the UK, with 1150 boys registered with the name.

Searching For Middle Names For Daniel?

Looking for middle names for Daniel?

Look on our list of 150 one syllable boy names.

Or you can read our list of unusual boy names and list of 101 unisex names.

If you want a short name try Sam or Ben.

41 Nick names For The Name Daniel

Here are 41+ Daniel nicknames:

Funny Daniel nicknames - best Daniel nicknames

Here are nicknames for Daniel to help you find your perfect Daniel nickname:

  1. Dan
  2. Danny
  3. Dany
  4. Dannie
  5. D
  6. Dee
  7. Di
  8. DeeDee
  9. DiDi
  10. DD
  11. Danielle
  12. Danilo
  13. Dante
  14. Aidan
  15. Dane
  16. Daney
  17. Danno
  18. Dans
  19. Danz
  20. Dansy
  21. Dansie
  22. Danzie
  23. Danzy
  24. Danyal
  25. Iel
  26. El
  27. Ell
  28. Niel
  29. Dang
  30. Dango

Cute And Funny Nicknames For Daniel

Here are cute and funny nicknames for Daniel:

  1. Mr D
  2. D-Dog
  3. Dan The Man
  4. Danosuar
  5. Dancer
  6. Dooz
  7. Danny Boy
  8. Dandy
  9. Dan O
  10. Danno
  11. Danone

If I Like Daniel, What Other Names Will I Like?

If you like the name Daniel, and are thinking of other names you might like, try one of the following names for boys:

If you like names starting with D, try David, or Dylan.

If you like two syllable names, try Liam, Micah or Reuben.

If you like names with three letter nicknames, try Samuel or Benjamin.

Need Of More Baby Name Inspo?

More boy’s name nickname posts: nicknames for Arthur and Archie, nicknames for George, nicknames for Oliver and nicknames for Sebastian and nicknames for Liam

For girls, read our nicknames for Lily and one syllable girl names or old lady names or rare names for girls.

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Follow me for more pregnancy content on Pinterest, I’m Gill Crawshaw.

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