Nicknames For Peter: 31 Of The Best Peter Nicknames

May 16, 2023

Looking For Nicknames For Peter? Read 31 Of The Best Peter Nicknames

If you’re thinking of picking Peter as a name for your baby, you might be looking for nicknames for Peter.

Read this post for 41 Peter nick names and to find your perfect nickname for Peter.

Nicknames for Peter - best Peter nicknames

Peter is a classic baby name for boys with lots of nickname potential.

As well as the best Peter nicknames, we also look at what the name Peter means, middle names for Peter, how popular it is and where Peter appears on top baby name lists in the US and the UK.

What Does The Name Peter Mean? The Peter Name Meaning

What does the name Peter mean?

Peter is a biblical name with Greek origins. The Peter name meaning is taken from the Greek word for rock or stone.

Peter also has classic childhood namesakes, from Peter Rabbit to Peter Pan.

How Popular Is Peter As A Baby Name?

funny nicknames for Peter - best funny Peter nicknames

How popular is the name Peter?

In the US, Peter is the 214th most popular name for boys in America.

Peter is the 233rd most popular name for boys in the UK.

Need Middle Names For Peter?

Are you looking for middle names for Peter?

Read our list of 150 one syllable boy names

Or try an unusual boy names.

If you want something different, pick a gender-neutral name.

Famous People Named Peter

Looking for famous people named Peter? Try one of these famous Peter namesakes:

Peter Parker, aka Spiderman

Peter Jackson, director

Peter Crouch, footballer

Peter Andre, singer

41+ Nick names For The Name Peter

Best funny nicknames for Peter - funny Peter nickname

Here are nicknames for the name Peter:

  1. Pete
  2. Petey
  3. Petie
  4. Peat
  5. Pet
  6. Peta
  7. Peto
  8. Petto
  9. Petr
  10. Pierre
  11. Pearce
  12. P
  13. PP
  14. Pea
  15. Peanut
  16. Pets
  17. Petz
  18. Petter
  19. Pjetër
  20. Pater
  21. Pate
  22. Peote
  23. Pearce
  24. Petero
  25. Pier
  26. Piers

Cute And Funny Nicknames For Peter

Here are cute and funny nicknames for Peter:

  1. Mr P
  2. Peter Repeater
  3. RePete
  4. Peter Rabbit
  5. Peter Pan
  6. Peter Paker
  7. St Peter
  8. Peter Pepper
  9. Peter Pettigrew

Looking For More Baby Name Inspo?

Read more boy’s nickname posts: nicknames for Cameron, nicknames for Timothy, nicknames for Logan, nicknames for Mason nicknames for Santiago and nicknames for Ethan

Read about pregnancy symptoms in week 1, early pregnancy signs and old woman names for girls

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