Your Baby’s First Six Months: 25 Inevitable Events

April 9, 2015

Your Baby’s First Six Months – Here Are 25 Inevitable Events

Your baby’s first six months – so you’ve made it through the roller-coaster first six months of new babydom? Congratulations! It feels like such a massive achievement, doesn’t it? (Except no-one gives you a medal  – and you have to keep on going…)

25 things that happen in your baby's first six months - from contemplating a drastic post-baby haircut to buying a Sophie the Giraffe

Florence is six months next week, and I’m in that state of denial / happy acceptance. I can’t believe it’s been six months, yet it feels like she’s been around forever. I love watching her grow, but where’s my tiny mewling newborn gone?

When you’re going through the early baby months it can, at times, feel like you’re the only person in the world to have done this not-so unique thing. And from having a second baby it becomes really apparent that while, of course, everyone is very different, babies are different and everyone’s experiences are different, some things are exactly the same each time.

So if you’ve just had a baby, here some of the things that you may possibly, probably have done in your baby’s first six months of new motherhood (any of these sound familiar?)

  1. Exist and function on no sleep, and go only slightly crazy
  2. Finally get a block of five hours in one go and feel like you’ve won at life
  3. Contemplate, at the very least, the drastic post-baby chop
  4. Be initially overjoyed at the prospect of your entire pre-pregnancy wardrobe. But not be able to wear most of it due to breastfeeding, sicky baby,various practicalities…and so on
  5. Spend hours during nightfeeds contemplating buying ridiculously on-trend things on ASOS because you can now. And then buy yet another stripey top
  6. Accidentally flash the postman and all the delivery men in the area
  7. Take six months to learn how to fold your pram
  8. Accidentally put a baby vest on back to front, leave it and hope no-one will notice
  9. Hear about the baby vest trick (pull it down the shoulders, not up over the head) and be amazed you didn’t realise it before
  10. Resent your partner for one of the following: sleeping when you’re awake, getting to leave the house to go to work, getting to sit on the train for half a silent hour a day, not telepathically understanding something you’re thinking, taking ten minutes longer than usual to get home from work when it’s been an awful day
  11. Two small glasses of wine = three sheets to the wind
  12. Crying in tandem
  13. Feel elated, overwhelmed, indifferent, a wave of overwhelming joy, often all at once
  14. Feel more like yourself, have no idea who you are now, all in the space of five minutes
  15. Resort to some sort of drastic measure to get the baby to sleep (rocking, hair dryer, pushing the pram inside, long drive). Then sneeze and wake the baby up
  16. Buy some ridiculous thing that promises to be the answer to everything
  17. Finally succumb to buying a Sophie the Giraffe that your child will  then shun in favour of everyone else’s Sophie
  18. Still have no idea how you pronounce ‘Lamaze’
  19. Go into a room and not remember why
  20. Fight a silent wave of eternal rage against at least one of the following: the delivery man who rings the bell when when the baby’s finally napping in the cot, the friend / family member who dishes out unwanted advice, the old lady who tells you ‘she sounds hungry’ in the supermarket, people you have to swerve to avoid who leap out of no-where to try to touch the baby (hands off!)
  21. Look at the baby and feel your heart explode out of your chest
  22. Realise during rhyme time that it’s you who’s singing so unselfconsciously in public, something you previously only did after two bottles on a Thursday night
  23. Realise your phone memory is full, not be able to delete a single one of any of your million near-identical photos because they are all amazing shots of your mini masterpiece. Even the ones where they’re drooling and have several chins (adorable, right?)
  24. Think at least one of the following: where has six months gone? How is it only six months? Where’s my tiny baby? I’m never having another. I really want another. I can’t do this! Hey, this is great, we can do this
  25. Be asked the inevitable question,”When are you having another?”

Here’s to your for making it through your baby’s first six months, and here’s to the next six months and everything that happens beyond…x

More? Parenting life hacks,  12 signs your child is no fan of sleep and great things about being a parent.

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  • polly

    April 10, 2015 at 10:21 am

    six months?! Can’t believe it – or that mine is coming up four months!

  • Anna Prasad

    April 10, 2015 at 1:41 pm

    Oh you had me in stitches…I am 4 months into the 6 months with my second boy and all of those ring very true 🙂

  • Jess @ Along Came Cherry

    April 10, 2015 at 5:54 pm

    Haha great list! And 6 months?! Wow that has gone so quickly x

  • Eleanor (TheBristolParent)

    April 10, 2015 at 7:43 pm

    how, how is she six months already? And Lamaze? I always went with Lamarrrzzz, and tried not to say it in an American accent!

  • Kathryn (@KatGotTheCream)

    April 10, 2015 at 8:16 pm

    I still contemplate buying ridiculously on trend things from Asos and then just buy another striped top (and my youngest is nearly 3) xx

  • Mary Douglas aka the night feed

    April 10, 2015 at 10:42 pm

    Number 25 can go jump off a cliff! When you have two kids you and your other half have replaced yourselves re: populating the planet. No further “action” is necessary. (Although I do get broody sometimes, babies are addictive, damn biology!)

  • Carie

    April 11, 2015 at 9:50 am

    Oh that’s brilliant – and so very very true! And for what it’s worth I say Lamayze which probably means it should be La Mah Zeh or something !!

  • Lia

    April 11, 2015 at 3:11 pm

    Hahaha number 5 is still me now!! All so very true though!

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  • Vicky

    April 14, 2015 at 12:55 pm

    I can’t believe she’s six months old already! This post brings back some memories, ha!

  • Laura

    April 15, 2015 at 12:55 am

    Wow first of all I cannot believe she is already 6 months!! Secondly this is sooo true, your posts always make me smile and yes I have bought another stripy top 🙂

    Laura x

  • Amber

    April 15, 2015 at 10:35 am

    Florence can’t be almost six months because that means that my twins are almost six months and GAH NOT HAPPENING.

    I really want another like, yesterday.

  • Rebecca @myspareroomproject

    April 23, 2015 at 9:28 pm

    Lovely read, thank you. Can’t wait to experience all these things for myself!

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