Nicknames For Edward: 51 Of The Best Edward Nicknames
Looking For Nicknames For Edward? Read 51 Of The Best Edward Nicknames
If you love the name Edward and are thinking of picking it as a name for your baby, you might be looking for nicknames for Edward. Read this post for the best Edward nicknames, the Edward meaning and middle names for Edward.

The name Edward is a classic baby boy’s name that transcends trends and is enduringly popular.
As well as being a royal baby name, it also has a lot of nickname potential! As well as the best Edward nicknames, we also look at the Edward name meaning, how popular it is and where it appears on the baby name lists.
What Is The Edward Name Meaning? What Does The Name Edward Mean?
If you’re looking for the Edward name meaning:
Edward is a traditionally English given name, and the Edward meaning comes from the Old English words ‘ead’ which means wealth, fortune or prosperous, combined with the Old English word ‘wea’, meaning protector or guardian.
The Edward meaning is ‘wealthy guardian.’
Edward is also a royal baby name, as the name of several English kings and the name of Prince Edward, the current Earl Of Wessex.
How Popular Is Edward As A Baby Name?

How popular is Edward? Is Edward a rare name?
In the US, Edward is the 216th most popular name for boys in America.
Edward is the 29th most popular boys name in the UK, with 1751 boys given that name in the last fully recorded year for names.
Famous People Named Edward
Looking for famous people named Edward? Try one of these:
Edward Cullen, Twilight character
Eddie Redmayne, actor
Edward Norton, actor
Eddie Murphy, actor
Need Middle Names For Edward?
If you are looking for middle names for Edward:
Read our long list of 150 one syllable boy names or unusual boy names.
Or if you want something different, pick a gender-neutral name.
Love Royal Baby Names?
If you love regally-inspired baby names:
Read our list of royal baby names, or nicknames for Harry, nicknames for Henry or nicknames for William.
41+ Nick names For The Name Edward

If you’re looking for nicknames for Edward, read this list to find your perfect Edward nickname:
- Ed
- Eddy
- Eddie
- Edy
- Edie
- Edo
- Eddo
- Edsy
- Edio
- Ted
- Tedd
- Teddy
- Teddie
- Tedward
- Ned
- Neddy
- Neddie
- Nedward
- Neds
- Ward
- Wards
- Wardie
- Wardles
- Edwin
- Edwardo
- Edwardio
- Eduardo
- Edwin
- E
- Ee
- Eez
- Edwards
- Edwardson
- Bear
- Beary
- Beario
- Wood
- Woodie
- Woody
- Woods
- Woodsy
Funny Nicknames For Edward
If you’re looking for funny nicknames for Edward, try one of these:
- Bedward (at night!)
- E-Man
- ET
- Eddie Bear
- Teddy Bear
- Woodson
- Big Ted
- Little Ted
- Mr Ed
- Mr Ted
Searching For More Baby Name Inspo?
- Read more boy’s name nickname posts: nicknames for Jacob, nicknames for Leo, nicknames for Thomas, nicknames for William, nicknames for Harry, nicknames for Oscar, nicknames for Arthur and Archie, and 250+ boys names
- Expecting a girl? Read our unusual names for girls or flower names for girls or two syllable names for girls
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