What’s The Going Rate For The Tooth Fairy?

February 10, 2017

A Question Parents Need To Know The Answer To – The Going Rate For The Tooth Fairy

A question I found myself Googling just before Christmas: what’s the going rate for the tooth fairy?

Along with when should children’s baby teeth start to fall out? And is four too early to lose teeth?

What's the going rate for the tooth fairy?

(And the answers: see below, from around now and it’s early but fine, apparently!)

The First Tooth Falling Out – Surprise!

Motherhood is full of surprises. Like the transformative ability to function as a normal person on next-to-no sleep. And how you develop no shame about singing, loudly, in public, surrounded by other people. When previously it was only ever something you’d do on the tail end of a night out and after sampling at least half of the bar.

But E’s first tooth falling out, without much warning, during her school play, six weeks shy of her fifth birthday, is right up there in my motherhood surprise hall of fame. And led me to look for the answer to the question of – what’s the going rate for the tooth fairy?

I blame Topsy and Tim (as always). I’m pretty sure we watched an episode where they went to the dentist – Tim, naturally, was scared – and the dentist told them that their teeth would fall out when they were ‘older’ (which I figured was about six). I parked the whole wobbly tooth thing in a brain compartment marked ‘do not think about for a couple of years.’

What's the going rate for the tooth fairy when children lose baby teeth?The tooth surprise announcement seemed to tap in to a deep teeth-related pool of mum-anxiety I had, based on the classic teeth-falling-out anxiety dreams through to the worry that we’d not quite tried hard enough on all those toothbrush chases. But turns out it was just a normal baby tooth falling out, at an early-but-normal age. And she was absolutely fine about it (and completely thrilled by the idea of the tooth fairy paying a visit).

It’s funny how everything comes full circle so quickly, isn’t it? It doesn’t seem like a few minutes since my tiny baby started teething. Looking back this was one of the many baby things I obsessed about, from cutting the first tooth to the last tooth (I still stand by this – ten things that are worse than teething).

So What Is The Going Rate For The Tooth Fairy?

So what’s the going rate for the tooth fairy? Opinions I gathered ranged from 20p through to actual paper money (there’s 20 of those little guys! Seems a slippery slope to bankruptcy). The average answers seemed to be a couple of pounds for the first tooth, then £1 or a £2 coin.

In the end we went for a happy medium of £1 and a tiny written note. We = the tooth fairy, of course.

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  • Sarah Rooftops

    February 10, 2017 at 8:27 pm

    Hereabouts it’s £2 for the first tooth and £1 thereafter. WHY DO I KNOW THIS ALREADY?! SHE’S STILL SHOVING THROUGH HER LAST MOLARS!

  • Anna Prasad

    February 11, 2017 at 4:53 am

    Oh I love this. And I love your writing! We had £1 for the first one falling out in August last year (he was 5 1/2), the second fell out after we moved to Australia a few weeks later, he got $1 (no calculation of exchange rate or anything). After having two pulled at the front during a tooth operation he got $5 that night…Not sure what will happen the next time ????.

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