37 Weeks Pregnant – Full Term And False Alarms
Here’s my latest pregnancy update at 37 weeks pregnant (full term!)
Here’s my 37 weeks
But first
My Baby Bump At 37 Weeks:
Here#s my 37 weeks pregnant bump (the 37 weeks bump is a big one, isn’t it?)
I feel huge at 37 weeks! It’s such a big bump at this stage.
37 Weeks Pregnant…
“How will I know?” boomed a certain 90’s songstress some time in the last century. “How will I knooooow if HE really loves me?”
Of course, she was singing about relationships and love, and I’m talking about another big L here – the one that happens at the end of pregnancy – but it’s the same premise.
Braxton Hicks Contractions And False Labour At 37 Weeks
The song popped into my head last week, when I was woken up by strong Braxton Hicks contractions, the type that uncomfortably turn your womb into oddly pointed sheet metal. Luckily it wasn’t a work or nursery day, so Eliza and I pottered around having breakfast. And then I realised the Braxton Hicks were happening with some regularity, and were getting much stronger.
We decamped to the sofa and CBeebies. It wasn’t the best time or circumstances – Alex had gone to a work meeting, Eliza and I were in pyjamas, we still haven’t painted the dining room yet – hardly the best situation for any quick dashes up to hospital.
And I just didn’t know. Was I in labour, or was it a false labour? Was it nothing, or was it…something?
I’m 37 Weeks Pregnant But When Will The Baby Arrive?
It may sound strange coming from someone who already has a child, but last time I was induced, which is a completely different experience. I have no idea what natural labour is like (and it’s worth pointing out that a ward of hospital staff seemed pretty clueless about what labour was first time, too).
I messaged my friend Emily, mum of two, who said very reassuring things about how she’d had exactly the same in the run-up to the big event at around 37 weeks pregnant. And indeed, it did calm down after a while.
So false alarm, but pregnancy, like a Bush-era Donald Rumsfeld speech, is full of the known knowns and known unknowns. I know labour is going to happen – as no-one’s pregnant forever, right? – but I don’t know when. And I don’t know what it’s going to be like, but suspect my theory about just having to cough to make the baby come out is fairly wide of the mark. I’ve read a lot about the speed of second labours, and that mums generally leave it as long as possible before going to hospital – hence lots of unexpected home births (not ideal as I’d have to chose between hard wooden floors or our new pale grey carpets, the horror!) But we’ll just have to wait and see.
37 Weeks – Full Term And Finishing Work
And yes, 37 weeks pregnant and full term! I finish work today and everything is now ready. But bizarrely for someone who’s so impatient, I’m in absolutely no hurry at all. I can’t wait to meet the baby, just…not…yet. Ask me again at 40 weeks though, and I’m sure it’ll be a different story.
You can read all of my second pregnancy updates over here and follow me on Instagram. Also read my post – when’s the best time to go on maternity leave?
Kim Carberry
September 25, 2014 at 9:03 pm
Ohh how exciting!! Best of luck to you x
September 26, 2014 at 10:20 am
I’m totally with you on the waiting bit! And I can relate to the false starts thing. I never really experienced Braxton Hicks last time around but have had them with quite a bit of regularity this time. The worst was on the M6 a few weeks ago and I truly thought I was going to give birth on the motorway (drama queen, me?!). I’m wondering the same – I’m annoying myself as I tune into every twinge and minor tightening, wondering if it’s the start of something exciting. I went into labour 11 days past my due date with F and it just gradually built throughout the day until I was sure it couldn’t be anything else. Hopefully I’ll be as sure this time around too! Thank you for linking up to #BlogBumpClub – beautiful bump pic, as always. xx
Hannah Budding Smiles
September 26, 2014 at 9:54 pm
Yay to full term! I worried I wouldn’t know and had several ‘Is it? Isn’t it?’ moments, but I really did notice the difference when true labour started. I loved it though haha So excited for you, best of luck for the coming days/weeks xx
Working mum blog
September 27, 2014 at 6:14 pm
All the best of luck to you with the pregnancy. Exciting times! X
September 27, 2014 at 6:20 pm
Exciting times! My first labour was induced at 42 weeks, and I went naturally the next time at 41+4 so I guess you could say that the theory about second labours being sooner is true- not sure about faster though as both were emergency sections in the end! I am sure your body knows what it is doing and when- I always think of pregnancy as lasting 42 weeks anyway! x x x x
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