“Wake up, I’m having contractions.” I whispered into the darkness at my husband. He sat straight up “So this is it?” “Yes!” I paused “I think…” I’d woken at 12am from a vivid dream with a burning sensation in my stomach. I was four days overdue at that point and had been impatiently waiting for…
37 Weeks Pregnant – Full Term And False Alarms
Here’s my latest pregnancy update at 37 weeks pregnant (full term!) Here’s my 37 weeks But first My Baby Bump At 37 Weeks: Here#s my 37 weeks pregnant bump (the 37 weeks bump is a big one, isn’t it?) I feel huge at 37 weeks! It’s such a big bump at this stage. 37 Weeks…
The early baby days
How did you feel in the first few days of new babydom? Blissfully content, wafting round full of love and all the good hormones, gazing in wonder at your baby? Or slightly confused, clueless, tired, tearful, tired?
Pregnancy week 15: inbetweeners
Pregnancy week 15…I’m comfortably wedged in that liminal space of pregnancy where nothing much is happening. It’s just between the ‘there’s actually a baby in there!’ excitement of the 12 week scan and then the major events after about 20 weeks leading up to the countdown (big movements, proper bump, giant flowery smocks and so…
19 pieces of advice to my formerly pregnant self, on the eve of giving birth
What would you go back and tell yourself on the night before you gave birth, armed with what you know now? I was watching the BBC2 Midwives programme – responsible for a recent attack of the broods – and started thinking about both Eliza’s birth story and how the actual birth process is such a big focus…
Transfer deadline day
Today is the football transfer deadline day. What’s that you say, football? Really? Yes! It’s a day I’ll now always remember as a year ago today it was also Eliza’s due date, which was coincidentally fitting for a baby with a sports-obsessed father, grandfather and uncles.