Nicknames For Evelyn: 51 Of The Best Evelyn Nicknames
Looking For Nicknames For Evelyn? Read This Post For The Best Evelyn Nicknames
If the name Evelyn is on your baby name list, read this post for nicknames for Evelyn to help you find our perfect Evelyn nickname.
![nicknames for Evelyn - best Evelyn nicknames](
Here’s our list of nicknames including short, sweet, cute and funny nicknames for Evie.
Wondering what Evie means and how popular it is? We also look the meaning of the name Evie and where it appears on the baby name lists, along with Eva, Eve and Evelyn
What Does Name Evelyn Mean? The Evelyn Name Meaning
Looking for the Evelyn name meaning?
The name Evelyn is an English name, with roots in the French name Aveline.
The Evelyn name meaning is desired or water / island.
How Popular Is Evelyn As A Baby Name?
How popular is the name Evelyn?
Is the US, Evelyn is the 9th most popular name for girls in America.
In the UK, Evelyn is the 21st most popular name for girls.
How Do You Pronounce Evelyn?
![funny nicknames for Evelyn - best Evelyn nickname](
Are you wondering how to pronounce the name Evelyn?
There are a couple of different variations on how to pronounce the name Evelyn:
Ever-lin (potentially the most commonly used pronunciation of the name at the moment).
Famous People Named Evelyn
Looking for famous people named Evelyn? Try one of these famous Evelyns:
Evelyn Opela, actress
Evelyn Thomas, singer
Looking For Middle Names For Evelyn?
Are you on the hunt for middle names for Evelyn?
Read our list of 150 one syllable girl names or two syllable names for girls.
You can also look at flower names for girls or old lady names or royal baby names.
Nick names For The Name Evelyn
![nicknames for Evelyn - best Evelyn nickname](
Here are 51+ nicknames for the name Evelyn:
Firstly, all the Evie variants:
- Evie
- Eve
- Eva
- Everly
- Evangeline
And then:
- Ee
- EeEe
- Eves
- Evester
- Evo
- Ever
- Everl
- Ev
- Even
- Evens
- Eevee
- Eeviee
- Ever
- Vi
- ViVi
- Vivster
- Vee
- VeeVee
- Evvy
- Vie
- Vives
- Vivvy
- Evan
- Evans
- Eviel
- Lynn
- Lynne
- Evanna
- Evonna
- Evara
- Neve
- Never
- Lina
- Lena
- Len
- Lenn
- Lenny
- Everet
Cute Evie Nicknames And Funny Nicknames For Evelyn
- Miss E
- Missy
- Evil Lynn
- Even Stevens
- Evening
- Evie Beavie
- Stevie
- Evita
- Everest
- Never
- Elve
- Elves
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