Are you looking for stylish winter dresses suitable for breastfeeding…that you actually want to wear? I’d forgotten how hard it is to find nice, non-frumpy feeding clothes, especially if you want something that’s fitted or different than a wrap dress. Enter Milk & Mummy, a site that aims to sell beautiful breastfeeding clothes for stylish…
Breastfeeding, second-time around
So how has breastfeeding, second-time around like? Three years ago this month, I was sat in a house with the rest of my NCT group, listening to a lady wax lyrical about the joys of boobs. It was the breastfeeding session of the course, and the first task was to tell everyone about the last…
Five things to do on the 3am nightfeed
Aaah, nightfeeds. It’s lovely to have sleepy newborn cuddles, and see your baby’s eyes looking at you in the near-dark, and aaah. But when you’re sleep deprived and completely exhausted, it can be difficult to keep your eyes open. We’re only a few weeks or so into nightfeeds with Florence, but Eliza used to be…
10 unavoidable truths about life with a newborn
Pregnant or just had a baby? Here’s ten unavoidable truths about life with a newborn… We’re currently nearly two weeks in to life with our brand sparkly new baby, and it’s still going pretty well at the moment. It is lots easier second time round – albeit with different challenges – and everything really does…
Counting sheep, newborn sleep and second babies
“My baby won’t sleep in the Moses basket…help!” I remember saying to the midwife when she visited the house, about 12 hours after our return from hospital. She gave me a sympathetic but knowing look, before saying “Yes…that’s perfectly normal.” In my just delivered, highly hormonal and not-slept state I was stunned. Did this mean…
Pregnancy week 24: on babies, boobs and blogging
An update at 24 weeks pregnant… Week 24 started with a blogging conference and ended with me accidentally smashing a pile of plates and getting locked out of the house, minus keys, while Eliza was home alone inside.
Busting myths about breastfeeding
Let’s Bust Some Myths About Breastfeeding There are so many myths about breastfeeding. A subject about which there are multiple myths and misconceptions, discussed on many a noticeboard, Twitter conversation, and not least in my own head, pre-baby. But what’s true and what’s really, really not? Here’s some of the more interesting lifestyle myths I’ve…