Oh, breastfeeding bras. It’s not enough that you have to deal with all the early trauma of pain and cracked nipples, then near-constant feeds for months, and having to wear practical clothes that allow you to feed in public. But have you seen some of the nursing underwear that’s available? Super-wide straps, sensible fabrics, frumpy…
Ten endearingly weird habits of a typical toddler
Toddlers are fascinatingly funny little creatures, aren’t they? I could observe mine in her natural habitat for hours, going about her busy way, climbing on everything and having a whole load of fun making a mess of all the things I’ve just tidied away. It must be brilliant to suddenly become much more mobile, and…
The best dresses for breastfeeding
Did you struggle to find the best dresses for breastfeeding, or any clothes you liked that were suitable for breastfeeding? Thrilled post-birth at thought of being able to wear all my normal outfits again, I soon realised that most of my wardrobe was ruled out due to lack of easy boob access. Tops were mostly…
On breastfeeding beyond 12 months
So breastfeeding beyond 12 months; that’s strange, right? Due to lack of information and discussion, and of course the ubiquitous Little Britain sketch, there are so many negative stereotypes around boob-feeding babies past a certain age…but surprise! It’s actually the most natural thing in the world. However if you’d told me a year ago that…
We review the Cantaloop breastfeeding bra
We review the Cantaloop Breastfeeding Bra: Our Breastfeeding Journey – So far! Eliza and I are approaching a year of breastfeeding, which also means a year of wearing my current maternity bras – so I was pretty happy to be asked to review the new Cantaloop Nursing Bra. Before I gave birth another mum recommended…
On weaning, feeding, and teaching my daughter to love food
Thinking back to my childhood, my brothers and I were notoriously picky eaters. One of us would only eat mashed potato with salad cream, one wouldn’t touch anything which had bits in it, and there was a particularly traumatic incident involving some fish that my parents still regularly bring up now. So when it came to weaning…
Gnaw something: Top tips for baby teething
Here Are Some Top Tips For Baby Teething Help! My baby is teething – is yours? Here are some top tips on baby teething we’ve picked up along the way… Firstly – How Terrible Is Baby Teething? Isn’t teething terrible? My baby is chomping down on anything and everything she can grip her gums on;…