Pregnancy Week 24: Reaching Vitability Here are five of the noteworthy things that happened during pregnancy week 24, my 24th week of being pregnant: It was a week of more…
Pregnancy week 23: duck!
Prior to getting pregnant, I’d perfectly planned out the way I’d tell my husband when it happened. The idea involved a pair of wedding ducks I was given on…
About the awfulness of maternity clothes
Now I have a mini-bump, I’m taking baby steps into the sizeable and stretchy realms of maternity clothes. It’s lucky that my job doesn’t require a strict dress code and…
Pregnancy week 22: footprints, and finding out the sex
As well as marking our second wedding anniversary, week 22 also bought with it the anomaly scan. In addition to checking out all was as it should be with Baby…
Pregnancy week 21: a horrible start, and a slightly better end
I’ve recently come to love Tuesday mornings. They mean it won’t be Monday morning for seven days, it’s one day closer to the weekend, and they are also the start…
Pregnancy week 20: halfway there
So we’re halfway there…already! Considering that the run-up to the 12-week scan seemed to be in perpetual slow-motion, the last few weeks have flown by. I’m not really thinking about…