Nicknames For Naomi: 55 Of The Best Naomi Nicknames
Need Nicknames For Naomi? Read The Best Naomi Nicknames
If Naomi is your chosen baby name, you might be looking for the best nicknames for Naomi plus the Naomi meaning.
While the name itself is classic and strong, you might also want a pet name to give your baby.

Read our list to help you find your perfect Naomi nickname, including cute and funny nicknames for Naomi.
Wondering what does the name Naomi mean? We look at the Naomi meaning, how popular the name Naomi is, middle names for Naomi and famous people called Naomi.
The Naomi Meaning: What Does The Name Naomi Mean?
Looking for the Naomi meaning?
Naomi is girl’s name that has Hebrew origins. The Naomi meaning is pleasantness.
Naomi is a biblical name from the Old Testament. Naomi is a highly symbolic name in the Jewish religion.
What Is The French Version Of Naomi?
The French version of Naomi is Noemie
What Is The Italian Version Of Naomi?
The Italian version of Naomi is Noemi.
Need Middle Names For Naomi?
Looking for a middle name for Naomi?
Try one of our gender-neutral names.
Look at our list of old lady names and rare names for girls or 150 one syllable girl names.
If you like floral names, try a flower baby name.
How Popular Is Naomi As A Name?

Is Naomi a rare name? How popular is the name Naomi?
In the US, Naomi is the 46th most popular American name for girls.
In terms of how popular Naomi is as a name in the UK, Naomi is a more rare name. Naomi is currently the 165th most popular name for girls.
Famous People Named Naomi
Looking for famous people named Naomi? Try one of these famous Naomi namesakes:
Naomi Campbell, model
Naomi Judd, singer
Naomi Watts, actor
55 Nick names For The Name Naomi

Here are 55+ nick names for the name Naomi to help you find your perfect Naomi nickname:
- Nay
- NayNay
- Nai
- Ney
- Nae
- NeyNey
- Nao
- Nomi
- Nomy
- Nome
- Nomie
- Nomes
- Mi
- Me
- Mee
- MiMi
- MeMe
- MeeMee
- Mia
- Omi
- Omie
- N
- Enn
- Enne
- En
- Ene
- Momi
- Nam
- Nami
- Naz
- Naze
- Nazey
- Noemie
- Noemi
- Noe
- Nia
- Nye
- Nya
- Mina
- Mena
- Nim
- Nimmy
- Nimy
- Nimmie
- Nimie
- Nimi
- Nimmi
- Nimmey
- Nimey
- Nami
Cute And Funny Nicknames For Naomi:
Here are cute and funny nicknames for Naomi to help you find your perfect funny Naomi nickname:
- Miss N
- Gnome
- Gnomey
- Mims
- Mimsy
- Mimsey
- Nayster
If You’re Pregnant, Read These Posts:
- Follow me over on Pinterest, I’m Gill_Crawshaw.
- Read the early signs of pregnancy 1 week, your first month of pregnancy checklist, last month of pregnancy checklist and early labour signs
- And old woman names for girls
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