Our new pink and purple colourful doors
Here are our new colourful doors…but first, would you let your children pick paint colours for their bedrooms or the doors in your house? What could *possibly* go wrong?!
Our colourful doors (and how we picked them!)
Spoiler: We did, and it all turned out fine in the end. Phew.
How did we end up with colourful doors?
- As a result of our loft conversation last year (read our post on loft conversion tips), we ended up with a new set of very new bedroom fire doors on the first floor.
- This is due to building regulations that stipulate that you have to have heavy, self-closing fire doors on the route to and from the loft.
- We wouldn’t have picked these doors ourselves! They were very boring.
How did we pick the colours for our colourful doors?
- Eliza’s room had previously had a green door, which you can see here, and as we’d loved the cheerful effect we thought it would be more – colourful – to paint the doors in the rest of that floor of the house.
- We let them pick the colours – although we did have a vague idea of what they would pick (based on their current favourite Power Rangers, what else? Seems like a sensible a reason for making interior design choices as any).
- They went for a hot pink and a lilac purple.
- I thought it was a great idea to do some painted mountain peaks, a la Pinterest, the girls wanted to freehand draw on some patterns, so we settled on the happy medium of plain block colours in the end.
So as one door closes…they are both very bright and bold and brighten up a very boring corridor.
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