What’s in your bag, and how has it changed since having children? To celebrate the launch of the new M&S Baby section on the Marks & Spencer website, I was asked to divulge all my handbag secrets. So here we go…
How one breast pad can ruin your entire day
One evening this week Alex made a shock discovery that sent a chill down my spine and left ice deep in the pit of my stomach. “The washing machine appears to have broken.” I nearly dropped the sleeping baby. What..? How could this have happened? What were we going to do?
Baby groups and the big second child question
Did you go to a lot of baby groups and activity sessions with your first child? Looking back at the toddler’s first year we went to baby massage, baby yoga, breastfeeding groups, playgroups, play dates, rhyme time at the library, Gymboree and met up lots with our NCT group (we also had a lot of…
The sleeping baby secret film club
One of the big differences between your first and second babies is the amount of time you get to spend on the sofa, feeding, napping, and trapped under them when they sleep. As a baby Eliza didn’t want to be put down, I didn’t want to put her down. Nothing got done for ages when we…
Babies, blogging, and becoming more organised
My quest for 2015 was to banish my new mum, baby brained forgetfulness and become a more organised person. I’ve been trying out the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 (a laptop / tablet hybrid, with a case that’s also a proper keyboard) to see if this can help. So a month in, is my house a…
15 Parenting Hacks: The BEST Tips For New Mums
If You Have A Baby, Here Are 15 Parenting Hacks Baby Books Won’t Tell You Here are 15 parenting hacks for if you’ve just had a baby…if you have, congratulations! When I was pregnant I wrote a list of pregnancy life hacks (these are simple tips that make everything much easier). Being a parent can be…