You want to hunt down the people letting off fireworks after 8pm and give them a really good telling off (Bonfire Night was ages ago …how is this still happening?)
Why I’m not embarrassed about breastfeeding in public (and you shouldn’t be either)
How do you feel about breastfeeding in public? Breastfeeding in public, how do you feel about it – fine, comfortable, relaxed…or slightly awkward and really reluctant to do it? A new poll out this week found that a third of breastfeeding mothers shy away from doing it in public and feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, with 1…
Ten things I love about being a mum of two
What is it like, having two children? It’s a question I get asked a lot and indeed one I used to ask a lot when I was pregnant. So a year in what is it like, really? With twelve months under our belt I’d say it’s swings and roundabouts and a see-saw balancing act (mainly…
Simple tips for stress-free newborn dressing
Looking for simple tips for dressing newborns…? One of the pre-baby rites of passage is when you wash all the baby clothes ready for your imminent new arrival. I think every mum does that double take where they look at their pregnancy bump and back at the piles of freshly washed, tiny babygros and can’t…
10 things that are worse than teething
‘Isn’t teething absolutely brilliant?’ said no mum, ever. Humans. We think we’re so clever, don’t we? But if we are, why on earth have we not yet evolved to the extent that babies can teeth without any pain at all? Answer me that one, Darwin. Maybe we’re just not quite there yet and at some…
Five signs maternity leave is over
1) I’m on cup of tea number three that I made and drank while *still hot.* Just for the novelty factor, of course, not because everyone in my house was up all night coughing and I need all the caffeine… 2) This morning I ate a piece of toast and didn’t have to share it.…