Coming second gets a bad press, doesn’t it? Everybody wants to come first, win, be the one in charge and in control. But is it really so bad being a second baby? OK, so if you’re second you’ll probably never get to ride on the buggy board (which is a lot of fun for your…
Taking my baby to the dentist, and other potential disasters
As one of my specialist skills is putting off things I really should have done yesterday, last week we rocked up to the dental appointment I’d finally got round to booking after they’d sent me the reminder about, ooh, four or so months ago. Fifteen minutes late, apparently.
Baby, you’re my favourite waste of time
“What exactly do you do all day?” an irritating question most mums will get asked at some point. Good point though, what exactly do we do all day? At the moment I’m still so tired that doing most things feels like walking backwards in quicksand mixed with treacle, and going anywhere far with both girls can…
32 Things You’ll Obsess About In Your Baby’s First Year
Your Baby’s First Year: 32 Things You’ll Obsess About Just had a baby? Here are 32 things you’ll obsess about in your baby’s first year… Why no-one told you childbirth was going to be like *that* If you’ll ever feel normal again The bellybutton clip How your baby could possibly be one week old already…
How not to do bedtime
Bedtime is the last event in the parenting Olympics, isn’t it? It’s the final hurdle, with the finishing line – sofa and wine – tantalisingly within touching distance. But you don’t get a medal, and win or lose you’re awarded the same opportunity to do it again the next day. And then over and over…
Babies, beaches and big milestones
Nursery’s out for the summer – aka it’s shut for a week – so we’re currently staying down at my parent’s house in Bournemouth on a mini-break. They live by the sea so it always feels like being on holiday, and the weather has been very undecided, so it definitely feels like your typical British seaside…