Sometime last year we bought a printer, and since then not a day has gone by without me printing off at least one colouring sheet. In fact, that’s the only thing we’ve printed with it (apart from old-school work contracts…followed by more colouring sheets). OK, so that’s a slight exaggeration, but my children love colouring,…
Parenting; You’re Doing It Wrong (And a trip to the BBC)
The You’re Doing It Wrong Podcast – And A Trip To The BBC Have you heard of the You’re Doing It Wrong podcast? Also – how easy is it to parent in an age when there are a million different sources of advice, all of it conflicting, all coming at you from hundreds of different…
Am I Done Having Babies? How Do You Know For Sure?
Am I Done Having Babies? If So, How Do I Know? Question: How DO you know when you’re done having babies? Do you ever know for sure you won’t have any more children? Asking for, well, someone…who’s not sure if she’s done having babies! Because at the end of last year, Florence turned three and…
17 completely unspectacular things I’ve done in 2017
With it being so very nearly the end of the year – HOW did that happen? WHEN did that happen? Wasn’t it just the summer? Wasn’t it just…January…? – it is, as always, a time for contemplation and reflection about the last twelve months. A popular Twitter meme at the moment calls for people to…
A couple of things…
We have been on holiday, hence the radio silence. There was sea, there was sand, and predictably for the UK there was a *lot* of weather. I even read 3/4 of a book and one of us learned to swim underwater. It’s the end of National Breastfeeding Week and there’s a post on TalkMum with…
Your Body After Pregnancy: 10 Weird Things NO-ONE Tells You
Here Are 10 Weird Things No-one Tells You About Your Body After Pregnancy What are the weird things no-one tells you about your body after pregnancy? I spent most of my first pregnancy eagerly reading all the information I could get my hands on about pregnancy and also childbirth. There’s a lot of attention focused…
Chasing away the post-news blues
Struggling to be upbeat after yesterday’s Brexit / Article 50 triggering / news onslaught on top of general terrible news / everything from America / everything in general / it’s too much / make it stop / someone, please? It’s not just you. I thought: Head in the sand, there would be no triggering. Instead, the…