In the family
Top row: Eliza with Grannie Gill and Grandad Keith. Bottom row: also with my brother Steve, and Grandma and Grandad (my mum and dad).
Like a lot of people we know who live in London, Alex and I don’t live very close to most of our immediate family. I grew up in Shropshire, and after I returned from my post-university travels I moved down to the city on a whim and never left. The distance hasn’t been an issue until we had a baby; I’ve now started to appreciate how nice it would be to live nearer again (especially looking at house prices where our parents live vs London…but don’t get me started on that).
So at the moment it’s especially lovely when we do see our families, and we’ve been lucky to have lots of visitors over the past few weeks. Alex’s parents came to stay recently – we went to check out the Dulwich Picture Gallery – as did my older brother, and my parents are currently with us for babysitting duties as we had Olympics athletics tickets. Needless to say, Eliza loves all the attention (and the big news from this weekend is that she now has a cousin – congratulations to Michael and Beth! We can’t wait to meet our beautiful new niece).
On a separate note it’s World Breastfeeding Week and Adele from Circus Queen has written a really positive post in honour of the week, with over twenty bloggers, including me, commenting on why they love it (you can also read my recent breastfeeding post here).