Hair clip 100; a mystery of mum life

August 18, 2016

One of the great mysteries of mum life…

Where do all the hairclips go?

…where do all the lost hair clips go?

Having two daughters with a lot of hair, we get through a lot of hair clips. I buy packs and packs, again and again. We’ve had glittery ones, pink ones, silver ones. neon ones. ones in every colour of the rainbow. Patterned ones, plain ones. Ones with My Little Pony on or all of the Disney characters, all at once. Yet every single one seems to vanish.

Eliza used to wear at least one to nursery, every day, and would come home without it, every day. No-one ever knew where they went. I once hunted down the nursery lost property box which had hundreds in, and only about two were ours. Perplexing.

So where do they disappear to? Are they hiding somewhere, perhaps beneath the floorboards, along with all my lost credit cards? Have they taken a holiday on a one-way ticket with all the odd socks, never to return?

In recognition of her big sister, Florence has now upped her hair clip game and wants to wear one at all times (last night I attempted to take it off when she was fast sleep. I’m not kidding, she sat straight up and said ‘Where’s my haiiiirclip?’ I like my hairclips, with a side-order of mum guilt, obviously). And she will now only wear one with a Frozen character on, which makes for an frantic search in the morning.

Where DO all the hairclips go?

This just adds to the many other mysteries of mum life – why does bedtime happen at the end of the long day, when everyone’s already exhausted? Why don’t we get a teacher visit – as seen on Topsy and Tim – yet everyone else does? And what exactly is behind the addictive lure of Paw Patrol?


  • Lisa

    August 18, 2016 at 7:16 am

    Ha we have the exact same dilemma. I’ve come to the conclusion that the school teachers have an eBay shop where they’re making a fortune selling our kids hair clips/hair bands etc lol

    1. gillian

      August 18, 2016 at 9:25 pm

      They must do! Someone must be profiting from all these mysterious, missing clips 😀

  • Kim Carberry

    August 18, 2016 at 12:09 pm

    hahaha! With us it is hair bobbles. I buy at least 10 a fortnight. I can use one for weeks until it snaps but the kids have to have a new one every day because they get lost!

    1. gillian

      August 18, 2016 at 9:26 pm

      Oh yes! There is never one of those around when you need one, is there?! I’m always accidentally leaving the house with a neon pink bobble with a massive flower on because I can’t find anything else 🙂 xx

  • Julia

    August 18, 2016 at 8:48 pm

    Exactly the same with us, except my little girl wants to be Dashi from the Octonauts who wears 2 hair clips, so we lose 2 a day!!

    1. gillian

      August 18, 2016 at 9:31 pm

      You must go through twice as many! Seriously, where do they all go?! xx

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