First looks and introductions
They say seeing is believing, but when I saw the pregnancy test turn positive, it still didn’t seem real. Even seven tests later, I remained ever-so-slightly suspicious about my baby on board status (sample neurotic conversation from a few weeks later – me: “What if there’s nothing in there?” Midwife: “Don’t worry, everyone thinks that.” Do they?!)
But anyway, more about this blog. That’s Baby C in the photo, from the first scan, when it all actually became a lot more real. And what about me? I’m an early-thirtysomething digital PR manager and excited first-time mum-to-be. I did think about writing a pregnancy diary to record what happens next, but as I work in social media – and have blogged on and off for years – setting this up seemed like the much more sensible step.
I live in South London with my husband, Alex. We love it, and to answer the question we’ve been asked loads of late, there are no plans to move out when the baby arrives…yet (we’re lucky to have space, a spare room, a garden and a huge park nearby with a view all over the capitol – it’s very pretty on Bonfire Night). So this blog is to record my journey towards becoming a mum in the city, and the whole world of everything that goes on around and beyond that.
Say hi, leave me a comment, email me or just wave; I’d love to hear from you.
Pregnancy week 22, would you find out your baby’s gender? |
October 9, 2011 at 4:38 pm
[…] be with Baby C, it was a chance where we could, potentially, find out the gender. I asked at the 12-week scan, but they boringly wouldn’t even make a guess at that point (I’ve also been Googling […]
Two new ways to subscribe to my blog |
September 19, 2012 at 12:51 pm
[…] me by that it was the one year anniversary of setting up this blog last month (this was my first post, all the way back in the pregnant mists of time). Twelve months and one baby down the line, here we […]
October 12, 2012 at 1:40 pm
Oh my goodness! I’m on test number 3 and have a doctors appointment on Tuesday and I still don’t quite believe it! Urggh!
October 13, 2012 at 7:38 pm
Congratulations! That’s brilliant news (I’m impressed with the restraint of only taking three tests, well done!) It’ll sink in really soon. Such a lovely time, enjoy it, How are you feeling? x
From bump to baby to birthday number one |
February 19, 2013 at 1:47 pm
[…] 12 weeks (in utero) my pregnancy week by week and my pregnancy diary in Pregnancy & Birth […]
April 7, 2015 at 4:40 pm
Ah ah, I am 6 weeks pregnant and still don’t believe it.
I triple checked the pregnancy tests to be sure i didn’t misunderstand it.
Glad I am not alone!