This week started off fine; in fact, it was so unremarkable that I can’t remember anything interesting that happened in the first couple of days. However Wednesday evening changed all that, with the unwelcome arrival of more blood, worry, and panic. Apparently as this point what we should have done is…
Pregnancy week 21: a horrible start, and a slightly better end
I’ve recently come to love Tuesday mornings. They mean it won’t be Monday morning for seven days, it’s one day closer to the weekend, and they are also the start of my next pregnancy week (which means among other things that all my pregnancy iPhone apps refresh, so the bus journey into work is a…
First looks and introductions
They say seeing is believing, but when I saw the pregnancy test turn positive, it still didn’t seem real. Even seven tests later, I remained ever-so-slightly suspicious about my baby on board status (sample neurotic conversation from a few weeks later – me: “What if there’s nothing in there?” Midwife: “Don’t worry, everyone thinks that.”…