One of those parenting ‘things’ people always talk about is at what point it – as in general, parenting, mum and dad life – gets slightly easier. In the park recently with some friends we’d not seen since we all had babies, we were talking about when toddlers go from being just walking, newly curious and…
Everything I’ve completely forgotten about baby weaning
If feeding your child is an act of love then weaning is a messy, messy affair. Quite literally. My new default position is down on the floor, sweeping up bits of discarded food. “Mummy, why are you under the table?” Eliza asks curiously, as Florence grins. I was pretty apprehensive about weaning first-time-round as it seemed…
Plus six months – all change?
Reaching six months was such a massive, pivotal point the first time round. After the events of the first six months of motherhood it suddenly seemed like it was all up for change. But this time?
Eliza: A Baby Update At Six Months
Here’s Our Six Month Baby Update I wasn’t going to write a six month baby update this month, as I had thought that there would only be tiny developments which would verge on the tedious for everyone apart from the Grandmas. However, six months for babies seems like a massive turning point! She’s changed so…
On weaning, feeding, and teaching my daughter to love food
Thinking back to my childhood, my brothers and I were notoriously picky eaters. One of us would only eat mashed potato with salad cream, one wouldn’t touch anything which had bits in it, and there was a particularly traumatic incident involving some fish that my parents still regularly bring up now. So when it came to weaning…