Did you know 71% of children’s car seats are fitted incorrectly*, or are completely incompatible to the car or the child? But that there’s an easy way to get your car seat safety and set-up checked, completely free? We’ve been working with Maxi-Cosi and last week went on a mini road trip across south London with…
Five children’s summer holiday essentials
We are recently back from our holiday (which seems like a million years away, in the way that it always does. I keep meaning to write about it but life keeps getting in the way). But here’s a couple of the really useful things we took away with us:
Tempur Mattress Review and a night away at Hawkwood House, Oxford
Last week we had the job of a Tempur Mattress review and a night away in Oxford, staying at the Hawkwood House Hotel which is just outside the city in super-pretty Iffley Village. We are currently in the ‘demolition’ stage of all our building work at home (with both stuff and dust absolutely everywhere) so any…
Lisbon <3 and a long weekend
One of our favourite places on our recent holiday was Lisbon, somewhere I’d never managed to make it to before (despite several childhood summer holidays in Portugal). Have you been? We were only there for a day but really liked it and would love to go back.
Home, and away
We are home from our holiday, having had an amazing time and a insane amount of fun. Bizarrely, we seemed to take a toddler and a small baby and returned with one water-loving small adult and one young child with lots of hair. Why do holidays make your children grow so much?
Packing for two…plus two
Oh, the places you’ll go. But first there’s packing. When you have two children it’s a process that takes so long it starts before you’ve actually booked the holiday. Whereas packing for just two is purely done on fun (how many bikinis can I justify taking? Oh, here’s one more. Do I need another…