Pregnancy week 29: colds, clothes and colour schemes
Woe was me this week; Alex was away and the annoying cough I’ve had for ages turned into a full-blown coldy chesty thing. This involved staying home from work, losing my voice, and a big old dose of self-pity. It’s quite odd being this sort of ill and pregnant, as I’d normally take anything available I can buy from the pharmacy, but obviously now my options are limited to nothing chemical and nothing that really works.
It wasn’t all bad though; to keep me company I had two lovely visitors in the form of Baby C’s other set of grandparents, aka my mum and dad. As well as looking after me and making me endless mugs of hot Ribena – and occasionally forcing a hot lemon and honey upon me – my mum also helped me by sorting out lots of stuff and washing all the baby clothes we’ve bought so far, which are now hung up, ready and waiting, in the spare bedroom wardrobe.
Speaking of spare bedroom, this is soon to be transformed into Baby C’s room, and last weekend we also bought paint to cover the strange avocado colour that was there when we moved in. I can’t wait to get started, and have a lot of ideas*.
But all that will have to wait until we have some time. However, weeks 20 – 29 seem to have gone really quickly, and it seems almost like the baby and I have reached a landmark age by ushering in the 30th week, although there’s no cake and singing.
* I’m thinking neutral walls and floors, and then lots of colour and lovely things (all highly practical…of course).
November 24, 2011 at 7:35 pm
I read about you in the Pregnancy & birth magazine, and thought I’d have a look at your blog. Its really interesting to see how other women that are the same number of weeks are getting on. I’m 30 weeks tomorrow, and can totally relate to you with the having a cold and not being able to take anything but paracetamol! Hope you feel better soon 🙂
PS how much is your little one moving? Mine likes to wedge her foot under my ribs which is quite painful!
November 27, 2011 at 4:07 pm
Thank you so much for the comment! I’m actually 30+5 (bit late in posting this week) so bet we’re due almost exactly at the same time – not long to go now! Think the cold is finally on the way out, thank goodness. Foot in your ribs sounds really painful, eek. How are you feeling otherwise? xx
30 Weeks Pregnant | 30 Weeks Pregnant
December 15, 2011 at 8:21 am
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