Failing at January
I think I might already be failing at January. While I’m sure I should feel energised and revitalised and full of joy about the start of the new year and so on, I just feel well, tired. All I fancy right now is a nap, or maybe burrowing into bed and hibernating.
Our house project is well underway, but as all the major work that’s been done so far is on the outside, it’s hard to really see anything when you’re inside, as we are a lot. I know it’s winter, but isn’t the weather bleak?
This is also the month of no proper childcare, so I’m working during nap times and evenings and weekends. Which doesn’t leave much time for anything else really. Like thinking, replying to any emails or updating my blog (apart from this post, clearly).
I’m also worried that going from three days at nursery to full-time mummy time might be pretty dull for an overly energetic toddler, so we’re trying to do as much fun stuff as it is possible to do when you’re stuck indoors in winter in the middle of a house renovation. With trips to the new local park, weather permitting. While we’re still suffering at the hands of the evil teething gods and the subsequent disrupted sleep all round.
It’s an interesting / challenging month.
OK I am being slightly melodramatic…we’ve just secured a nursery place for when Eliza is two next month; the new nursery is next to an allotment, a big park and a pony field, and is really, really lovely. As Alex keeps reminding me about the house, we’ve done a lot – and we’ve not even been here for four weeks yet. And today we chopped down the giant dead tree that was blocking the light from our downstairs front windows. Things are already looking brighter, literally.
Potty Mouth |
May 8, 2014 at 3:57 pm
[…] else. I clearly much prefer talking about the glamorous side of motherhood instead; teething, being miserable, and […]