Crystal Palace Overground Festival 2013

June 30, 2013

Crystal Palace Overground Festival

Crystal Palace FestivalForget Glastonbury; this weekend was the annual Crystal Palace Overground Festival (no Stones, slightly less mud and lots more Bugaboos). There had been good things going on all week, but Saturday was the big event in the park so we headed on over.

Last year we took still-tiny Eliza in the carrier, so one thing we really noticed now she’s running around is how much thought had gone into the children’s area, including the yarnstormed trees courtesy of Deadly Knitshade (they reminded me to start teaching myself to knit again!) It was also sunny, *shock horror*, and we met up with friends and sat on the grass along with most of south London.

It’s brilliant that there’s something like this in our local area that’s staffed entirely by volunteers, and, best of all, completely free for everyone. Let me know if you went! x


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