As well as marking our second wedding anniversary, week 22 also bought with it the anomaly scan. In addition to checking out all was as it should be with Baby C, it was a chance where we could, potentially, find out the sex. I asked at the 12-week scan, but they boringly wouldn’t even make…
Pregnancy week 21: a horrible start, and a slightly better end
I’ve recently come to love Tuesday mornings. They mean it won’t be Monday morning for seven days, it’s one day closer to the weekend, and they are also the start of my next pregnancy week (which means among other things that all my pregnancy iPhone apps refresh, so the bus journey into work is a…
Pregnancy week 20: halfway there
So we’re halfway there…already! Considering that the run-up to the 12-week scan seemed to be in perpetual slow-motion, the last few weeks have flown by. I’m not really thinking about how quickly the next 20 weeks will go, especially when Alex and I realised, after being asked when out at the weekend, that the answer…
Pregnancy week 19: In Bruges
This week Alex and I took a pre-baby break to Bruges. Here’s where we stayed, things we saw, and what we ate and drank;
Pregnancy week 16: heartbeat
Pregnancy week 16…This week was my first midwife appointment at our local doctor’s surgery, as my booking-in appointment had been at Kings. I got to listen to the heartbeat, and Baby C was amazingly co-operative – unlike at the 12 week scan, when he/she was fidgety up until the test which required him/her to move…
Pregnancy week 15: in the city, by the sea
Here’s five things about pregnancy week 15* Baby C is growing up fast! This week s/he grew to the size of an avocado, which seems almost unfathomably big for something so little. Random avocado fact of the day though, is that since getting pregnant I’ve also completely gone off them, despite the fact I used…