Does the perfect maternity dress exist? I think any dress for pregnancy would have to cover several bases to fit this criteria. It would make you look and feel good, even when you feel ginormous, and be comfortable without being boring or frumpy. And then be within your price range – whatever that is –…
Nesting, nesting, 1-2-3
It’s hard to pick apart what’s been nesting over the past nine months, and what’s just been our house renovation. We’ve done all the major work now and have stopped anything else till it all settles down with the baby (as much fun as it was painting skirting boards hugely pregnant, it’s quite nice to have…
Slightly alternative ways to induce labour
Throughout this pregnancy, I’ve mentioned several times that I was in no hurry for the baby to arrive. Me? I’d never be one of those impatient people complaining about a non-arrival for weeks and weeks. I would be calm and patient and serene, and waft around in floaty kaftans, meditating and chatting introspectively to my…
40 weeks pregnant: the 96%
40 weeks pregnant: any sign of the baby? Today is my due date and I am officially 40 weeks pregnant… Clearly I’m not having a baby today. Unless there are any very last minute surprises. Did you know that apparently only 4% of women actually do have a baby on their due date (did you?)…
39 Weeks Pregnant: On Time
39 weeks pregnant: what’s going on in my pregnancy? Here’s my latest pregnancy update at 39 weeks pregnant. An awful lot of pregnancy is spent marking time, isn’t it? There’s being late, the date on the digital test, the week + days count up and count down, the 12 and 20 week scan, the 24…