39 Weeks Pregnant: On Time

October 8, 2014

39 weeks pregnant: what’s going on in my pregnancy?

Here’s my latest pregnancy update at 39 weeks pregnant.

39 weeks pregnant - pregnancy bump shot in the third trimester

An awful lot of pregnancy is spent marking time, isn’t it? There’s being late, the date on the digital test, the week + days count up and count down, the 12 and 20 week scan, the 24 week viability milestone, full term, due dates, going so many days overdue. It can, at times, feel like a constant tick tock against a giant invisible biological clock.

I was nearly two weeks overdue when I was born, and in real life I am almost always late. But despite being the most impatient person in the world normally, I’ve felt in no rush for this pregnancy to end. I’m relishing the time spent with Eliza, and our last days as a three. And, of course, the luxury of couple of days to myself.

39 weeks pregnant and sickness

It’s been a funny old week though at 39 weeks pregnant. I came down with some kind of 24 hour sickness that I then passed on to Alex. It’s not much fun looking after a toddler when you feel like you’re scratching on death’s door, especially with the added excitement that you could go into labour at any time. Apart from that I’ve had loads of energy and have been running around nesting like a crazy lady. I know I’ve said before that this pregnancy has been brilliant, but I don’t feel at all like I’m full term (“you’ll probably feel terrible after the birth!’ joked my midwife. Ha).

39 weeks – any sign of the baby?

I have thought for a while the baby might be early – possibly because they’ve been so low down for a while, possibly because tonight is the full moon, possibly because I have no idea why – but despite my due date being imminent, I have no signs whatsoever. And that’s absolutely fine.

Will I have a baby on my due date?

So new baby, will you be on time, or more like your permanently punctually-challenged mama? Who knows. I’ve painted my toenails – a complicated feat of both gravity and physics – so am pretty much ready for anything.

This was 39 weeks pregnant but you can read my weekly pregnancy updates here. Make sure you’re following me on my Gill_Crawshaw Instagram account


  • Molly

    October 8, 2014 at 10:48 pm

    Enjoy the last bit. I felt exactly as you do now – in the end though I turned off my phone as the regular update questions were getting too much! x

  • Milly

    October 9, 2014 at 6:05 am

    I can empathise. I was born late and am typically running late for events / meetings / flights. It was a definite shock when baby showed up early! They obviously have their own agenda … And good work on toenails. Takes quite some body contortion.

  • Jodie

    October 9, 2014 at 8:50 am

    I had painted my nails the night I went into labour. I always have chipped nails so this was great. You were right about me being first though. I keep checking social media for updates on you 🙂 it’s so exciting.

  • Polly

    October 9, 2014 at 1:17 pm

    Enjoy these last few days, can’t wait to see a baby update!!

  • Globalmouse

    October 9, 2014 at 10:06 pm

    Ooh exciting times!! Best of luck, I hope it all goes really well and I am SO impressed that you’ve painted your nails…amazing!!

  • Kathryn (@KatGotTheCream)

    October 10, 2014 at 4:50 pm

    Ahh not long now. I did laugh when you said you thought the baby might come on the full moon 🙂 Put your feet up when you can xx

  • laura redburn

    October 10, 2014 at 6:50 pm

    exciting! (ps. looking fab! ..also i love your sofa)

  • Jess @ Along Came Cherry

    October 10, 2014 at 8:36 pm

    Looking forward to hearing your baby news! I hate those last few weeks, especially being overdue, I didn’t want to go anywhere too far in case I went into labour! x

  • lori

    October 12, 2014 at 11:36 pm

    Enjoy this tiny last bit before all the newness and sleepless nights kick in. x

  • Laura

    October 14, 2014 at 12:52 am

    Oh wow how exciting – can’t believe you are 39 weeks!!! How much has the time flown by – can’t believe you where 2 weeks late by the way – I wonder if this one will be on time – can’t wait to see 🙂

    Laura x

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