Rare Names For Boys: 300 Rare Boy’s Names
Looking For A Rare Name For Boys? Read These 300 Rare Boy’s Names
If you want a rare boy’s name for your baby, read this list of 300 rare names for boys.

If you like unusual names, or uncommon names for boys, these are the names it’s highly unlikely any other child in their class will have.
How Rare Are These Boy’s Names?

In the UK, baby name data in the is published each year for all names given to three or more babies.
While the names given to babies at the top of the list are likely to have been given to thousands of babies, if you look much at the bottom end of the list you will find the rare names – the ones only given to three babies in the entire country the last recorded year for baby names.
These names are some of the rarest recorded names for babies. These names were only given to three babies in the last recorded year.
Whatever you think about some of these names – that are likely to include sone alternative spellings – they are likely to be among some of the most uncommon names among other baby boys.
Here Are 300 Rare Names For Boys

- Aaden
- Aban
- Adeem
- Adheen
- Adie
- Adith
- Adler
- Adrin
- Advin
- Aerys
- Aidin
- Aiko
- Alben
- Albin
- Aldous
- Aleph
- Alif
- Alireza
- Alister
- Aloysius
- Alpaslan
- Alperen
- Altamash
- Alvar
- Alyas
- Amadeo
- Andor
- Anik
- Anzar
- Arben
- Archimedes
- Arli
- Arnas
- Arpad
- Arturs
- Arvan
- Aryo
- Asani
- Asha
- Ayo
- Azaire
- Azwad
- Bane
- Banksy
- Baptiste
- Barkley
- Barlas
- Barley
- Bastien
- Bay
- Bazil
- Beni
- Benjy
- Benni
- Berat
- Beren
- Berish
- Berkay
- Berty
- Bloom
- Bly
- Boone
- Bowdie
- Boyce
- Braden
- Brannon
- Braylan
- Brayson
- Brinley
- Bronx
- Cailo
- Calix
- Cam
- Carrington
- Carsen
- Cedri
- Ceejay
- Chad
- Chesney
- Christo
- Ciro
- Coda
- Connie
- Cosmin
- Cuban
- Dacre
- Daris
- Darnell
- Davyd
- Daxon
- Daylan
- Dei
- Deison
- Demetrios
- Demyan
- Denish
- Denys
- Destiny
- Diamond
- Dinesh
- Dishan
- Doug
- Dougal
- Draven
- Dren
- Earl
- Edi
- Edmond
- Edson
- Edvin
- Elba
- Elbie
- Elie
- Elihu
- Elroy
- Ely
- Elyes
- Emils
- Emmit
- Enda
- Eze
- Farouk
- Farren
- Ferguson
- Ferris
- Fidel
- Fidelis
- Fin
- Finnbar
- Foday
- Fotis
- Francie
- Francois
- Frey
- Furkan
- Fury
- Gage
- Garry
- Gaspard
- Georgio
- Gerrard
- Gibson
- Gil
- Gilead
- Glenn
- Glory
- Godswill
- Gold
- Gonzalo
- Gracious
- Grae
- Greatness
- Guillermo
- Guru
- Haaland
- Hadid
- Hagan
- Halo
- Hamilton
- Hanley
- Haran
- Helio
- Hercules
- Hilary
- Hilton
- Hollis
- Hosie
- Howl
- Huckleberry
- Huntley
- Ionathan
- Iverson
- Izzy
- Jacen
- Jacobus
- Janek
- Javi
- Jaxel
- Jeffery
- Jobey
- Jock
- Joni
- Jonnie
- Jono
- Jophiel
- Jordie
- Joules
- Jud
- Judd
- Kaire
- Kayo
- Laif
- Laine
- Lebron
- Legacy
- Legend
- Leigh
- Len
- Lowe
- Lucky
- Luco
- Lynden
- Lyon
- Mads
- Mal
- Malick
- Mand
- Marshal
- Mase
- Mate
- Mickey
- Miko
- Milkias
- Milton
- Miraz
- Miro
- Nash
- Nicky
- Nidal
- Nima
- Nino
- Nori
- Nuno
- Nylo
- Oba
- Octave
- Octavius
- October
- Odysseus
- Olli
- Olson
- Oritse
- Orpheus
- Orwell
- Othello
- Pat
- Patric
- Paulo
- Paulos
- Pax
- Payton
- Penn
- Perez
- Pharaoh
- Raff
- Rayon
- Remie
- Remmie
- Reno
- Rhyder
- Rhylan
- Rick
- Rigby
- Roe
- Saige
- Sali
- Sampson
- Saviour
- Sherif
- Shevin
- Shilo
- Shine
- Shivraj
- Sigmund
- Silva
- Silvio
- Simba
- Sirius
- Slade
- Soli
- Soloman
- Sora
- Story
- Teodors
- Thady
- Thatcher
- Tobin
- Vaibhav
- Wan
- Westley
- Woodie
- Xane
- Yunes
- Zan
- Zarak
- Zaryan
- Zaxton
- Zaydaan
- Zaylan
- Zemen
- Zeo
- Zhane
- Zhi
- Zino
- Zivon
- Ziyah
- Zoe
- Zuri
- Zyad
- Zyron
Once You’ve Read Our Rare Boy’s Names:
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