Rare Names For Boys: 300 Rare Boy’s Names

January 24, 2025

Looking For A Rare Name For Boys? Read These 300 Rare Boy’s Names

If you want a rare boy’s name for your baby, read this list of 300 rare names for boys.

Rare names for boys

If you like unusual names, or uncommon names for boys, these are the names it’s highly unlikely any other child in their class will have.

How Rare Are These Boy’s Names?

rare boy's names for males

In the UK, baby name data in the is published each year for all names given to three or more babies.

While the names given to babies at the top of the list are likely to have been given to thousands of babies, if you look much at the bottom end of the list you will find the rare names – the ones only given to three babies in the entire country the last recorded year for baby names.

These names are some of the rarest recorded names for babies. These names were only given to three babies in the last recorded year.

Whatever you think about some of these names – that are likely to include sone alternative spellings – they are likely to be among some of the most uncommon names among other baby boys.

Here Are 300 Rare Names For Boys

rare uncommon names for boys
  1. Aaden
  2. Aban
  3. Adeem
  4. Adheen
  5. Adie
  6. Adith
  7. Adler
  8. Adrin
  9. Advin
  10. Aerys
  11. Aidin
  12. Aiko
  13. Alben
  14. Albin
  15. Aldous
  16. Aleph
  17. Alif
  18. Alireza
  19. Alister
  20. Aloysius
  21. Alpaslan
  22. Alperen
  23. Altamash
  24. Alvar
  25. Alyas
  26. Amadeo
  27. Andor
  28. Anik
  29. Anzar
  30. Arben
  31. Archimedes
  32. Arli
  33. Arnas
  34. Arpad
  35. Arturs
  36. Arvan
  37. Aryo
  38. Asani
  39. Asha
  40. Ayo
  41. Azaire
  42. Azwad
  43. Bane
  44. Banksy
  45. Baptiste
  46. Barkley
  47. Barlas
  48. Barley
  49. Bastien
  50. Bay
  51. Bazil
  52. Beni
  53. Benjy
  54. Benni
  55. Berat
  56. Beren
  57. Berish
  58. Berkay
  59. Berty
  60. Bloom
  61. Bly
  62. Boone
  63. Bowdie
  64. Boyce
  65. Braden
  66. Brannon
  67. Braylan
  68. Brayson
  69. Brinley
  70. Bronx
  71. Cailo
  72. Calix
  73. Cam
  74. Carrington
  75. Carsen
  76. Cedri
  77. Ceejay
  78. Chad
  79. Chesney
  80. Christo
  81. Ciro
  82. Coda
  83. Connie
  84. Cosmin
  85. Cuban
  86. Dacre
  87. Daris
  88. Darnell
  89. Davyd
  90. Daxon
  91. Daylan
  92. Dei
  93. Deison
  94. Demetrios
  95. Demyan
  96. Denish
  97. Denys
  98. Destiny
  99. Diamond
  100. Dinesh
  101. Dishan
  102. Doug
  103. Dougal
  104. Draven
  105. Dren
  106. Earl
  107. Edi
  108. Edmond
  109. Edson
  110. Edvin
  111. Elba
  112. Elbie
  113. Elie
  114. Elihu
  115. Elroy
  116. Ely
  117. Elyes
  118. Emils
  119. Emmit
  120. Enda
  121. Eze
  122. Farouk
  123. Farren
  124. Ferguson
  125. Ferris
  126. Fidel
  127. Fidelis
  128. Fin
  129. Finnbar
  130. Foday
  131. Fotis
  132. Francie
  133. Francois
  134. Frey
  135. Furkan
  136. Fury
  137. Gage
  138. Garry
  139. Gaspard
  140. Georgio
  141. Gerrard
  142. Gibson
  143. Gil
  144. Gilead
  145. Glenn
  146. Glory
  147. Godswill
  148. Gold
  149. Gonzalo
  150. Gracious
  151. Grae
  152. Greatness
  153. Guillermo
  154. Guru
  155. Haaland
  156. Hadid
  157. Hagan
  158. Halo
  159. Hamilton
  160. Hanley
  161. Haran
  162. Helio
  163. Hercules
  164. Hilary
  165. Hilton
  166. Hollis
  167. Hosie
  168. Howl
  169. Huckleberry
  170. Huntley
  171. Ionathan
  172. Iverson
  173. Izzy
  174. Jacen
  175. Jacobus
  176. Janek
  177. Javi
  178. Jaxel
  179. Jeffery
  180. Jobey
  181. Jock
  182. Joni
  183. Jonnie
  184. Jono
  185. Jophiel
  186. Jordie
  187. Joules
  188. Jud
  189. Judd
  190. Kaire
  191. Kayo
  192. Laif
  193. Laine
  194. Lebron
  195. Legacy
  196. Legend
  197. Leigh
  198. Len
  199. Lowe
  200. Lucky
  201. Luco
  202. Lynden
  203. Lyon
  204. Mads
  205. Mal
  206. Malick
  207. Mand
  208. Marshal
  209. Mase
  210. Mate
  211. Mickey
  212. Miko
  213. Milkias
  214. Milton
  215. Miraz
  216. Miro
  217. Nash
  218. Nicky
  219. Nidal
  220. Nima
  221. Nino
  222. Nori
  223. Nuno
  224. Nylo
  225. Oba
  226. Octave
  227. Octavius
  228. October
  229. Odysseus
  230. Olli
  231. Olson
  232. Oritse
  233. Orpheus
  234. Orwell
  235. Othello
  236. Pat
  237. Patric
  238. Paulo
  239. Paulos
  240. Pax
  241. Payton
  242. Penn
  243. Perez
  244. Pharaoh
  245. Raff
  246. Rayon
  247. Remie
  248. Remmie
  249. Reno
  250. Rhyder
  251. Rhylan
  252. Rick
  253. Rigby
  254. Roe
  255. Saige
  256. Sali
  257. Sampson
  258. Saviour
  259. Sherif
  260. Shevin
  261. Shilo
  262. Shine
  263. Shivraj
  264. Sigmund
  265. Silva
  266. Silvio
  267. Simba
  268. Sirius
  269. Slade
  270. Soli
  271. Soloman
  272. Sora
  273. Story
  274. Teodors
  275. Thady
  276. Thatcher
  277. Tobin
  278. Vaibhav
  279. Wan
  280. Westley
  281. Woodie
  282. Xane
  283. Yunes
  284. Zan
  285. Zarak
  286. Zaryan
  287. Zaxton
  288. Zaydaan
  289. Zaylan
  290. Zemen
  291. Zeo
  292. Zhane
  293. Zhi
  294. Zino
  295. Zivon
  296. Ziyah
  297. Zoe
  298. Zuri
  299. Zyad
  300. Zyron

Once You’ve Read Our Rare Boy’s Names:

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