I think I’ve identified the major pressure point in why it takes so long to leave the house when you have small children; it’s getting dressed. Or more specifically, the daily battle to get everyone dressed. Before lunchtime. Or some days, at all.
Shocking second child omissions
Dramatic scenes in our household this week, when a somewhat shocking realisation came to light about our second child. We realised that Florence – at the lofty old age of 22 months – had never seen Peppa Pig. I know! I know!
25 gifts the World Wide Web has given parenting
It’s 25 years since Tim Berners-Lee opened up public access to the World Wide Web, which paved the way for modern Internet communications as we know it. So here’s 25 gifts the Internet has given modern parenting:
Four fifths of Finding Dory…
Would it be a terrible idea to take a fidgety and very active 22-month-old toddler to see Finding Dory at the cinema? – Question I asked myself this week when the opportunity arose (our friends were going, E has been wanting to go for ages, it sounded fun – what’s the worst that could happen?)
25 things I had *no* idea about, before babies
Pregnant or just had your first baby? Congratulations! What happens next might surprise you…*whispers* it’s all going to change.
How not to buy school shoes, in 101* steps
While already out shopping, decide to get ahead of the game, for once, by buying school shoes early. Ahaha! What a brilliant idea. Inspired. School shoe shopping, with two children in tow and only one of me. What could *possibly* go wrong? (Footnote: this, or possibly this) Go forward one step.