Three things…from this week
As usual, I had grand plans for a million weighty and intellectual posts about, among other things, Mary Berry’s ridiculous and outdated thoughts on maternity leave (arghh! And thanks for forever ruining GBBO for me) the government’s ill-advised and quite frankly terrifying proposals on childcare (double, fearful arghh) and the baby perfume (actually, too hilariously ridiculous to consider covering, and I’m not even linking to a story). Yet as usual, I don’t have the time / inclination to actually write about any of them in the face of working, baby colds and, erm, deep decisions about the colour of frosting on birthday cakes.
So instead, here’s three completely superfluous things from this week:
Photo 1) A baby backpack – how much fun? This was Freddie’s we tried out yesterday (hi guys!) In all seriousness we do need something to take her down the hill to nursery that we can leave there. Would it be better to get something like this, a sling, or a cheaper ‘umbrella fold’ type pram we don’t have to worry about leaving in the shed? Anyone have any thoughts?
Photo 2) A little person came into contact with a big version of herself (thanks HelloCanvas, we will be reviewing soon) P.S. Eliza’s holding keys, not wine as one of my friends initially thought…
And 3) Vine love! I’m slightly obsessed with Twitter’s new six second film clip app, I think it’s all the creative possibilities of the stop motion and time-lapse. My user name is Gillian Crawshaw if you want to follow my random ‘masterpieces’ about breakfast, bricks and teabreaks so far.
And I’m not a massive fan of blogging popularity contests, but if anyone wanted to nominate us for a MAD award that would be super-lovely x.
Laura bruton
January 29, 2013 at 9:27 pm
Hi Gillian,
What colour frosting did you choose? My son barney is one in march and i want to find a giant ‘one’ cake tin for his cake. Anyway, i have a suggestion for your nursery commute. Have you seen the scootababy sling? I love mine and use it pretty much the whole time, but it’s super quick to put on and small and compact so would be easy to leave on a coat hook at nursery.
February 10, 2013 at 2:53 pm
Hello! We went with pink (predictable!) A ‘one’ cake sounds brilliant – as does the sling, this is exactly what I was thinking! I loved having her in the carrier when she was younger but she’s too big for the one we have. Just looked at the Scootababy and it looks great – like the fact it can do lots of different types of holds. Thank you so much x
January 29, 2013 at 11:53 pm
Consider yourself nominated! For best blog, best blog writer and best baby blog.
Also – picture of a little person meeting a big version of herself is beyond cute.
February 10, 2013 at 2:55 pm
Nina! Hello! Thank you SO much 🙂 And she absolutely loved seeing the picture – she kept pointing at it and saying ‘bab’ (her work for baby). How are you? xx
January 30, 2013 at 2:31 pm
I’d look at an ergo or mei tai for back carrying. Much less bulky. X
February 10, 2013 at 2:56 pm
I have looked at the Ergo but didn’t know what sort of age / weight it went up to – I’ll look again, thank you! I should have just asked you straight off 🙂 x
Emily Dew
January 30, 2013 at 7:17 pm
So proud to have my house feature in your photos!
Lovely blog as always x x
February 10, 2013 at 2:55 pm
Yay! We loved trying it out – so much fun xx.
Sarah Park
January 31, 2013 at 9:06 am
The backpack’s perfect. I have mine here and it is very useful and convenient.
February 10, 2013 at 2:56 pm
I really love the idea of carrying her around on my back too! x
January 31, 2013 at 11:46 am
I think you should consider buying a buggy , toddlers grow and get tired walking up that hill, the backpack looks good though – what a decision
February 10, 2013 at 2:56 pm
I could get both, would be good for different situations I reckon!
Muddling Along
January 31, 2013 at 12:58 pm
Sling every time for short journeys – if the buggy is there they’ll want to use it but can keep a sling in your bag to pull out when legs get tired
We’re still using ours with Littler for days out – convenient, doesn’t take up much space (we use a connecta) and she is super comfy in it
February 10, 2013 at 2:58 pm
This is great, thank you – not sure why but I always assumed she was too big for a sling now (even though she’s fairly normal weight). I loved slinging her when she was younger and I do miss it. I’ll check the Connecta out x.