Prior to getting pregnant, I’d perfectly planned out the way I’d tell my husband when it happened. The idea involved a pair of wedding ducks I was given on my hen night, which now live on a shelf in our bathroom. I’d found a mini-duck in a shop in Crystal Palace and post-positive result,…
Pregnancy week 21: a horrible start, and a slightly better end
I’ve recently come to love Tuesday mornings. They mean it won’t be Monday morning for seven days, it’s one day closer to the weekend, and they are also the start of my next pregnancy week (which means among other things that all my pregnancy iPhone apps refresh, so the bus journey into work is a…
Pregnancy week 20: halfway there
So we’re halfway there…already! Considering that the run-up to the 12-week scan seemed to be in perpetual slow-motion, the last few weeks have flown by. I’m not really thinking about how quickly the next 20 weeks will go, especially when Alex and I realised, after being asked when out at the weekend, that the answer…