At what age did your toddler drop their daytime nap? Asking for… …well, us really, currently locked in a naptime battle of wills, caught between naps and no naps and a fierce and exhausting battle with the land of nod. Sleep has always been a big issue with my second born She likes to wake…
Plus seven months: it gets easier…?
One of those parenting ‘things’ people always talk about is at what point it – as in general, parenting, mum and dad life – gets slightly easier. In the park recently with some friends we’d not seen since we all had babies, we were talking about when toddlers go from being just walking, newly curious and…
12 signs you’re a sleep-deprived parent
Are you a sleep-deprived parent? Here’s 12 signs your child is no friend of sleep… You can always tell when the clocks change due to the higher-than-normal volume of tweets from parents. Extra hour in bed? Not likely! Lighter evenings? Thanks so much for the 9pm bedtime. Blackout blinds? Ha! – are some of the things…
On yet more teething terrors
Just a very quick post to say, for what must be the billionth time, isn’t teething an absolute pain? We’re awaiting the arrival of the fourth back tooth (story to date: here). It’s hanging around in the gum like an unwanted guest who is threatening to get drunk, cry, and ruin the party. As a…
Eliza, eight months
Oh, baby! What a month. Hands up; who replaced tiny Eliza with a miniature person? She’s growing up – and crawling – at a lightening speed and it seems there’s a new development every single day. It actually all feels like a lot more fun now, especially on a good night’s sleep, and it’s amazing to watch the…
Finally Moving The Baby Out Of Our Bedroom
OK, We Finally Moved The Baby Out Of Our Bedroom… So we finally moved the baby out of our bedroom …into her nursery. Here’s when and why we did it, plus a great tip for new parents. When Did We Move The Baby To Her Nursery? Thank you to everyone for all the lovely advice…
On Separation Anxiety: Moving The Baby Out Of Our Bedroom
Separation Anxiety And Moving Your Baby Out Of Your Bedroom When’s the right time to move the baby out of your bedroom? And when do you move the baby to their own room? It is normal to have anxiety about your baby sleeping in their own room? How do you deal with separation anxiety (in…