…I repeat, the first tooth has been sighted. Spotted making a brief appearance to the left of the lower front gum, at seven-and-a-bit months, discovered while we were were away in Sheffield for the weekend (celebrating Alex’s parents’ ruby wedding anniversary, congrats guys!). ETA of fellow calcium companions – who knows?
On the whole world of parenting worry
Oh, the world of parenting worry. So we somehow have a seven-month old baby; when did that happen? And so far each of those seven months have been filled with firsts, and most of them have been great (like her first proper giggle, the first time she rolled over and the first time she sat…
Eliza: A Baby Update At Six Months
Here’s Our Six Month Baby Update I wasn’t going to write a six month baby update this month, as I had thought that there would only be tiny developments which would verge on the tedious for everyone apart from the Grandmas. However, six months for babies seems like a massive turning point! She’s changed so…
On weaning, feeding, and teaching my daughter to love food
Thinking back to my childhood, my brothers and I were notoriously picky eaters. One of us would only eat mashed potato with salad cream, one wouldn’t touch anything which had bits in it, and there was a particularly traumatic incident involving some fish that my parents still regularly bring up now. So when it came to weaning…
On Separation Anxiety: Moving The Baby Out Of Our Bedroom
Separation Anxiety And Moving Your Baby Out Of Your Bedroom When’s the right time to move the baby out of your bedroom? And when do you move the baby to their own room? It is normal to have anxiety about your baby sleeping in their own room? How do you deal with separation anxiety (in…
In the family
Top row: Eliza with Grannie Gill and Grandad Keith. Bottom row: also with my brother Steve, and Grandma and Grandad (my mum and dad). Like a lot of people we know who live in London, Alex and I don’t live very close to most of our immediate family. I grew up in Shropshire, and after…
Gnaw something: Top tips for baby teething
Here Are Some Top Tips For Baby Teething Help! My baby is teething – is yours? Here are some top tips on baby teething we’ve picked up along the way… Firstly – How Terrible Is Baby Teething? Isn’t teething terrible? My baby is chomping down on anything and everything she can grip her gums on;…