Baby, it’s cold outside…

December 5, 2012

Winter, and snowsuits…it’s also cold inside, despite having had the heating on all day (that’s Victorian conversions for you – when we lived in a new build in Balham we had the heating on about three times in two years).

It has been sickness central over here, with all three of us suffering from various ailments – including the dreaded man flu – over the past week, which meant we missed all our weekend plans. We’ve been lucky that Eliza has only been ill a few times so far, but she’s had the snuffles for a few days and last night during a 4am feed she went a horrible shade of green and there may or may not have been a sick incident involving herself, a succession of her entire collection of sleeping bags, me, Alex and our bed. We knew she was feeling better five minutes later when she perked up and started clambering over the bed to get to an iPhone, and today we even bundled up and ventured into the wintery outside to the Post Office. It’s fair to say though she’s still not her usual self and we’re all pretty tired!

Babies being ill is really horrible, isn’t it? It makes you feel so helpless and powerless to make them better, especially when there’s not much you can actually do. I want to wrap Eliza up in a virtual snowsuit and hold her really tight.


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