• Three things relating to clothes, in time

    August 29, 2011

    Past: when I was a teenager, I went through a typical phase of loving retro clothing. I would often moan at my mum about why she didn’t keep any of her original Biba clothes from the 60’s, which would have been both a) incredibly cool for my 16 year old self and b) have saved…

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  • Pregnancy week 16: heartbeat

    August 27, 2011

    Pregnancy week 16…This week was my first midwife appointment at our local doctor’s surgery, as my booking-in appointment had been at Kings. I got to listen to the heartbeat, and Baby C was amazingly co-operative – unlike at the 12 week scan, when he/she was fidgety up until the test which required him/her to move…

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  • Pregnancy week 15: in the city, by the sea

    August 24, 2011

    Here’s five things about pregnancy week 15* Baby C is growing up fast! This week s/he grew to the size of an avocado, which seems almost unfathomably big for something so little. Random avocado fact of the day though, is that since getting pregnant I’ve also completely gone off them, despite the fact I used…

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  • First looks and introductions

    August 24, 2011

    They say seeing is believing, but when I saw the pregnancy test turn positive, it still didn’t seem real. Even seven tests later, I remained ever-so-slightly suspicious about my baby on board status (sample neurotic conversation from a few weeks later – me: “What if there’s nothing in there?” Midwife: “Don’t worry, everyone thinks that.”…

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