Just a quick note to say it’s currently toddler month over on TalkMum. It’s a subject I could talk about for hours for obvious reasons; here’s mine, measuring up my feet today. There’s lots of fantastic posts to come, but two I really love so far are life-changing tip for dealing with tantrums, from Rachel from Make a…
Eliza’s birth story – an unexpectedly quick induction of labour
I thought I’d post my induction of labour birth story (a propess induction story) today to coincide with International Midwife Day. I received such amazing care from midwives, both in the hospital (despite it being incredibly busy) and from the community midwife team at my doctors surgery (who came out to our house for three…
Pregnancy week 21: a horrible start, and a slightly better end
I’ve recently come to love Tuesday mornings. They mean it won’t be Monday morning for seven days, it’s one day closer to the weekend, and they are also the start of my next pregnancy week (which means among other things that all my pregnancy iPhone apps refresh, so the bus journey into work is a…