On saying ‘I love you’ to your children

March 14, 2013

We love you bannerAlex’s Valentine’s Day card from me – a slightly wonky ‘we heart you’ banner, made out of photos and notebook paper

How often do you say ‘I love you’ to your children? I say it to Eliza all the time, so I was curious to read this article on Parentdish questioning if you can ever say it too much.

I say it so often as I want Eliza – and Alex, of course! – to always know it. I know she doesn’t need to hear it to know it, but I want her to hear it, and I want us to always say it.

The article makes an interesting point about upbringing playing a big part in how often you use the words now. I come from a close but not overly emotional or sentimental family – I have two brothers, there were and still are lots of squabbles and arguments – yet we always said it to each other all the time, and I want it to be the same with my children.

But can you ever say it too much? Obviously there are times where is it less appropriate (e.g. not when someone’s bashing the TV with the remote or trying to chew on a plugged-in phone charger, mentioning no names, ahem) but I don’t think you can. In fact, I’ve been saying it more since reading this article on Lucy’s Facebook page about the things you should say to your children. And more in particular because one of the commenters said that when her child said it to her for the first time, her friend pointed out it was because they’d heard her say it all the time. How lovely is that?

What do you think – is it possible to say I love you too much?

And here’s a lovely article from Cup of Jo that really stuck in my mind, about saying it to your partner in the middle of an argument.


  • Claire

    March 14, 2013 at 5:23 pm

    Love this post FG 🙂 I certainly don’t think you can ever say ‘I love you’ too much, especially to your children. Love that Cup of Jo post too – such a great idea! x

  • Lulastic

    March 14, 2013 at 7:59 pm

    LOVELY post! Thank you for mentioning my Facebook page.
    I really loved that article as it was SO simple but suggested things that we might forget in the business of life.
    Whenever I say “Ramona, do you know something?” She responds with “Love you sooooooo LOADS!” because several times a day I just look at her and say “Gosh, you know what? I love you so much!” (She has adapted it a little in a way not wholly grammatically correct!)
    Fab post!

  • Lulastic

    March 14, 2013 at 7:59 pm

    LOVELY post! Thank you for mentioning my Facebook page.
    I really loved that article as it was SO simple but suggested things that we might forget in the business of life.
    Whenever I say “Ramona, do you know something?” She responds with “Love you sooooooo LOADS!” because several times a day I just look at her and say “Gosh, you know what? I love you so much!” (She has adapted it a little in a way not wholly grammatically correct!)

  • karen Marquick

    March 16, 2013 at 8:59 am

    Lovely post. I like to tell my children I love them every day, I say it to my eldest every time he leaves the house for the school bus, even if we’ve had a bad morning. I think its so important. Found your post vis #MBPW


  • Southwarkbelle

    March 16, 2013 at 9:35 am

    Pretty sure you can never say that too much to your kids, well perhaps if you break into their school when they’re 14 in the middle of a class… I always make sure I say i love you to my little girl if I’ve had to be cross with her, so that she knows it’s the behaviour I don’t like but I love her whatever.

  • Sarah MumofThree World

    March 16, 2013 at 10:19 am

    I don’t think you can say it too much. I always say it to my children in the morning before school/ work and at bedtime as a minimum. I try to say it more than that. Growing up, my family was close, but not affectionate. I want my kids to grow up with more affection in their lives.
    Found you on Britmums MBPW.

  • Mummy K

    March 16, 2013 at 11:29 am

    I tell my son I love him all the time; it makes no difference to me that he can’t understand the words yet, it just trips naturally off my tongue. I’ve never really thought you can say “I love you” too much – I’d like to think that when my son can understand me it will be confirming what he already knows and feels and never coming as a surprise.

  • chantelle hazelden

    March 16, 2013 at 9:48 pm

    Found your post on BritMums MBPW, great read!!

    I too read that article, I honestly don’t think you can say I love you enough, I know I love hearing it myself.

  • Adrienne Herbert

    March 17, 2013 at 10:45 pm

    I think it’s so important to tell your children that they are loved and for them to know, that they are good enough. I want my son to grow up with this knowledge and confidence. Although he is only 20 months I hope he knows how much he is loved.

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