How to celebrate Easter
Happy Easter weekend. Hope everyone is enjoying it? I seem to have spent most of it so far being covered in sick, it’s no yolk. Poor baby.
If you’re interested in craft and recipe ideas then there’s a whole host of lovely ideas and linkys on other brilliant blogs. But if you want to put all your eggs in a slightly different basket, here’s my suggestions of three excellent things to do at Easter:
1) Eat loads of Easter eggs
2) Drink loads of wine (religious overtones, right?)
3) Do as little as possible. I’m wondering where I can fit a nap in…
If you have any other ideas then let me know, I’m all ears.
Have a great long weekend! And excuse the terrible puns (I know, I’m cracking myself up).
April 2, 2013 at 12:11 am
Hi hun,
I’m your newest follower – Stop by sometime =D
We have them eggs too, Hayden loves them
Lotte xo
April 7, 2013 at 4:36 pm
Hello, thanks so much 🙂 Looking forward to reading your blog, hope you had a good Easter break! x