Here Are Some Top Tips For Baby Teething Help! My baby is teething – is yours? Here are some top tips on baby teething we’ve picked up along the way… Firstly – How Terrible Is Baby Teething? Isn’t teething terrible? My baby is chomping down on anything and everything she can grip her gums on;…
Eliza, five months
We were sat waiting for baby clinic last week, and when I looked around the waiting room I saw that we were surrounded by shellshocked mums and their newborns. I suddenly realised something I’ve been vaguely aware of for a while; Eliza’s really, really grown. Where did my tiny baby go?
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Eliza finally rolled over today, much to my delight. She did it twice in a row, and the second time she even flipped herself back to her back. I was as amazed as she was; her expression was a mixture of ‘what just happened?’ and ‘wow, look what I did!’. It seems like it’s been…
“Bouncing’s what Tiggers do best…” – Fisher Price Jumperoo review
Have You Tried The Fisher Price Jumperoo? Here’s Our Initial Review Here’s our Fisher Price Jumperoo review…Baby toys took on a whole new bouncy realm this month, with the arrival of our newest baby purchase, the Fisher Price Jumperoo. Me and Alex have history with this massive plastic monolith; shortly after announcing that we were…
Forty years, and a picnic in Norwood Park
Is how long my parents have been married for; it was their ruby wedding anniversary this weekend. The sun shone, and to celebrate we had a picnic in the park. Needless to say the youngest and newest member of our family loved all the attention. Alex and I are very lucky to have both sets…
Eliza, three months
We’d heard so much about the three month mark being that mythical point where babies calm down and become much more manageable – is three is the magic number? Well, I’m not sure when it happened, but at some point approaching this month, Eliza did seem to get a whole lot easier. We can’t pinpoint…
On the beach
We’ve just arrived home from a long weekend in Bournemouth, where the sun actually shone for us, for a change. We were there to help my brother move house (although my contribution to helping mainly involved sitting around and feeding the baby – the most important job though, right?).