Signs my child was ill: #1: she refused toast #2: she refused my toast #3: I handed her my iPhone and she wasn’t interested Poor Eliza! She’s been struck down with the dreaded lurgy since Tuesday. She did seem vastly better yesterday, but then had a sudden relapse early evening, and indeed we were up…
A nursery update and some Friday link love
It’s finally Friday! Thank you so much for all the lovely comments, tweets and advice I was given on my post from earlier in the week about nursery and dealing with separation anxiety. It got worse (the next day, despite me sneaking out, she started crying before I left the room then didn’t stop. Her…
Friday festive link round-up
Although last weekend was a bit of a write-off, we did briefly nip to Oxford Street for some Christmas shopping, so saw all the lights and displays in full, albeit daytime, glory. The Selfridges windows in the middle photo are definitely the best – don’t you think? – but we also loved the John Lewis decorations on the…