• Dreamland Margate Review: Roller Discos, Rides and Slot Machines

    November 2, 2016

    Our Trip To Dreamland Margate Visiting Dreamland Margate – Our Trip To The Kent Seaside Have you ever been to Dreamland Margate, or Margate itself? If you’re looking for a colourful seaside adventure you should go; it’s brilliant. There’s also even a Dreamland Margate Roller Disco, which is all sorts of brilliant fun. Exploring Kent…

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  • Five children’s summer holiday essentials

    June 30, 2016

    We are recently back from our holiday (which seems like a million years away, in the way that it always does. I keep meaning to write about it but life keeps getting in the way). But here’s a couple of the really useful things we took away with us:

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  • My 2015 UK travel wish list

    January 18, 2015

    The types of holiday I have taken seem to have varied wildly depending on my age and life stage. My late teens and early twenties were mainly about backpacking in the usual gap year places – India, Asia, Australia. Once I started working it was all city breaks, long haul and as much luxury as…

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