Just a very quick post to say, for what must be the billionth time, isn’t teething an absolute pain? We’re awaiting the arrival of the fourth back tooth (story to date: here). It’s hanging around in the gum like an unwanted guest who is threatening to get drunk, cry, and ruin the party. As a…
Home Alone 2: Lost In…south east London?
Photos, from left: spotting a rare smile in the supermarket / my surprise bedfellow (I’m sleeping in her nursery – aka the old spare room – while my parents are here and found the Eliza duck in the sofa bed one night) / our final Tuesday NCT mum meet-up as everyone starts going back to…
Gnaw something: Top tips for baby teething
Here Are Some Top Tips For Baby Teething Help! My baby is teething – is yours? Here are some top tips on baby teething we’ve picked up along the way… Firstly – How Terrible Is Baby Teething? Isn’t teething terrible? My baby is chomping down on anything and everything she can grip her gums on;…