Can you believe it’s coming up to the 25th Red Nose Day? I can actually remember when it started (how old does that make me feel?). This year the brilliant Stella McCartney has designed a range of t-shirts for the charity, which are currently on sale at TK Maxx. There’s several different designs, from a giraffe…
Baby lions from burp! Boutique
Eliza is a mini person of a million nicknames, but the one that seems to have stuck the most at the moment is Lion (every time I call it her in public within earshot of anyone else, I realise that I’m probably partly responsible for all those threads on mum forums about ridiculous baby names). So…
Children’s sweatshirt of awesomeness from Tootsa MacGinty
My parents have just been on holiday, and bought Eliza a present of the red bear sweatshirt from Tootsa MacGinty that I mentioned in my blog post about brilliant baby clothes. Lucky old Eliza. My mum hadn’t actually read that blog post – I know, right? – and bought the jumper independently of knowing I liked…